Tree of Savior Forum

Character class change BUG (tried everything)

So, i made a wizard and got him to pyro with no problems. Then i decided to make a swordman i reacher class 15 and when i try to change class the same thing that happens in this screenshot, happens with me.

Server: Klaipeda
Family name: CerealMilk
Char name: Breaker

Really want to keep progressing, can you plz fix it for me?

I have the exact same problem and it’s rendering my main character unplayable.

Server: Klaipeda
Family Name: Cafe
Char Name: Anita


BUMP THIS IS A HUGE ISSUE, PLEASE FIX. This is rendering lots of peoples characters unplayable

Same here!

Please help!

Server Klaipeda
Family: Crowllie
Name: Crowllie

This is a huge problem because I feel that I can’t go on playing without advancing my class and the situation is worser when anyone accepts their DLC into their character that can’t advance their class. Some players have found a way around it by making a new character but for players like me who have accepted their DLC then we are doomed til this is fixed!

Server: Klaipeda
Family Name: Zeak
Name: Zeak

Question, are any of you stuck at 100% exp as well? I have this problem, but I also cant level up. Wonder if its the same for you guys

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Same here.

We need some IMC feedback.

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PLEASE FIX THIS NOW! I’ve been stuck for the pass 6hours :rage: And i’ve already accepted my foundary things.


Same, Literally unplayable atm for me, unless I want to lag around for another 2 hours to level a new character.

Same I bought the DLC and now I feel like its not worth it :frowning: hope they fix it soon

Same bug here (“C Rank”), cant change class.

Server: Klaipeda
Family: Casuals
Char: Kamui

only on that char i cant change class since on my archer i was able to change to a ranger without problem.

Same issue here.

Server: Klaipeda
Family: Drakem
Char: Drakem

Bump bump bump bump bump I’m also having this issue

This one also…

Server: Klaipeda
Family Name: Litvyak
Char Name : Wilhelmina

I submitted a ticket and was just told they are working on it. They also posted something about it on Steam in the announcements. So I guess we’re stuck just waiting it out.

They gave everyone the same bullshit paragraph. Its a copy paste job.

Trust me, I’m extremely irritated. I paid 50 bucks so my main character with the DLC pack wouldn’t work. :wine_glass:


My bug doesnt go away . The dry wood logs dont show up

Server EU
Finios Blacklance
Orsha starting point
Peltast advancement quest

Mine was fixed this morning. <3