Tree of Savior Forum

Chaplain vs Dragoon

I was wondering the same. I guess the benefit of going 1-2 STR/DEX is a lot of mitigation, but I wonder what would yield the most DPS in the end? Full STR/DEX or full INT/SPR? If I follow the STR/DEX route, I might as well pick Paladin and vice versa,Druid, if I’m going to invest heavily into INT anyway. I don’t see much point in investing into Monstrance, as it has no synergy with anything, but I’ll probably remove 5 points out of blessing and divide them between revive and mass heal. Going full INT, I might as well pick Exorcise + Magnus Exorcismus combo, but I’d rather just play a Wizard, if I’m going to be an all in nuker in the end.

You said that Aspergillium scales with INT, are we talking about the standard +1 magic damage/int, or is there some extra scaling?

In the end of the day, would you go 1/1/2 STR/CON/DEX or INT/SPR + CON?

EDIT: Is there any point in choosing monk over paladin for a STR/DEX build. I assume that buffs don’t apply to skills such as Double Punch?

Aspergillium scaling with Int is because Int increases magic damage, magic damage increases the damage of all magic based spells, etc. (You understand :thumbsup:)

In regards to stat allocation, I’m not going to say because I’m a special :snowflake:
There’s a method to my madness :imp:

Monk or Paladin… That depends on what you like about either one. If you are going for a Str/Dex build Monk is a path to go towards. Sadly the same can be said with paladin… Smite scales with those stats, as well as Conviction (C3 skill). Conversion also has an attribute that converts 50% of your Str to the enemies you convert.
(Conversion is not a one point wonder skill (Very similar to Bokors Zombie, but not as dumb))

If you are referring to Priest buffs, then the ones that work on Double Punch are Blessing and the added bonus damage of Sacrament.

Damn, I guess that you are going some hybrid form then :P. Oh well, I’m probably going with STR/DEX, while having at least 60 SPR. As for rank 6 and 7, either Cleric in order to be able to fill in as a support if needed, or probably Paladin.

Did you perhaps do any tests with Sadhu Out of Body skill? Do the buffs apply to it?

Most likely the best dps chaplain would be a full INT one…but of course it doesn’t mean that would be the best build. Also it always depends on your playstyle too etc. I think a STR build could be close but it is hard to tell because there are much more factors for physical builds…like crit…armor type…etc.
Also with INT build you can have INT magic skills…like cure…and you just put it down and you can continue auto attacking the enemy while cure hits it too… We don’t have any skills like that with Physical builds… so as I said most likely INT builds would be the best dps builds for Chaplain.

One last time I mention again that Aspergillum gets more damage from a full INT build at the end than from a full SPR one because INT gets +10% bonus with every rank…so at the end you will have almost like double as much INT as SPR if you put the same amount of points on them… But SPR has it’s benefits too. You can get insane amount of Block with it with Stone Skin…etc.

Almost all Priest skills are worth 1 point btw. The build you made first rly would be the “best” auto attack dps chaplain… the problem with it that you wouldn’t be that much better because those skills scale pretty badly… Actually the non dps skills like mass heal, revive…stone skin… has a much better scaling.

Monstrance give 30%+10 DEX on every lvl so most ppl put 1 point on it…but at least at the moment chaplain’s Capella skill provides the buff even if you don’t have the skill so if you think that’s enough for you then you can skip it.
(the debuff part of Monstrance is only worth something with SPR oriented builds and even then more then 5 point is a waste on it…that skill scales horribly with skill lvls)

Skills like Sacrament and Last Rites will definitely won’t work with out of body…at least they won’t provide any additional hits… I don’t know if the small damage part that sacrament adds to things is actually added to it or not…

Is Blessing even worth getting? Can it proc effect such as Arde dagger or Sacrament?

It is worth getting. You just get more damage from its attribute than the skill levels. The attribute requires lvl 3 Blessing so that’s the minimum.

For the hit count part maybe lvl 3 is already enough because you would have 60 hits with the attribute that gives 30…and I can’t confirm it but from videos it kinda looked like you hit once/sec with mace and Blessing lasts for 45 sec so… but daggers for example are maybe a bit faster…and there is chronomancers attack speed buff…but Iguess you still wouldn’t need too much more levels on it for those…
Oh and also with Capella if you stay close to your Capella you can reapply Blessing easily so…whatever

But anyway at the end it depends on you…if I remember right I’ll still have like lvl 10 Blessing I think in my build…

Arde dagger doesn’t give you an additional hit (only Cafrisun set gives as an item) The element attack from Arde works like Blessing actually. They both add to every hit you make. With multihit skills they added to every hit of that skill…and yeah both your normal auto attack and Sacrament as separate hits gets both Blessing and Arde dagger’s elemental damage as bonus damage.

@Ayalon One last question, does the same thing apply to Aspergillum?

Aspergillum casts Aspersion on every auto attack so it’s somewhat similar to Sacrament…but still quite different… but for sure it is an additional hit.

Blessing and Element damage is added to Aspergillum. Also as we said before Sacrament has a portion ( the holy damage ) that is added to every hit like Blessing and other Elemental damage.
Aspergillum doesn’t have any portion like this. It is also a self buff and it rly just casts (I think a smaller version range-wise of) Aspersio on every hit… and it is a magic damage of course.
Oh and Aspergillum does not apply the def buff of Aspersio but you can get that from either Aspersio itself or from your Capella.

Last Rites is more of a mystery…it quite seems like a Sacrament no.2 but I’m not sure if it has a portion that is added to everything or not.

What @Ayalon says sums it up pretty much.

How strong would Aspersio be to normal enemies? Isn’t the video only tested for dark/ghost type monster?

If the magic damage against normal monster won’t be worth it, is it not risky to build full int?
Doesn’t we will benefit more in str/dex/con as DPS rather than full int?
Or am I thinking wrong?

If we will divide to percentage the damage this build does, how much percentage are we relying in magic damage and physical damage?
I was thinking it will help us think which gives better benefits…


Also, I thought adding Krivis to the build to push it better as DPS…

(I dropped Blessings just to give way to my other support skills… Atleast, I’m still good as a party member though I’m DPS… Is it worth it?)

I was thinking of the same build… Hope I can join the discussion…


The problem with going Krivis, at least in my opinion, is that we really only benefit from Daino. As far as the damage go, no skills scale with STR or DEX, neither can they crit, so going full INT or full SPR seems like a logical way to go, at least DPS wise, but make note that you are throwing survivability out of the window. I’m still unsure if it’s not just easier to buy scrolls and play a Dragoon in the end, because auto attack Chaplain build seems like a massive pain in the ass, if I decide to go for it anyway, I’ll probably go 1/1/2 STR /CON/DEX.

This would be the answer to my question… (and perhaps for you as well…)

that’s from other thread…

The build is already in the comment…

sigh… full int it goes… (-_-")

He doesn’t seem to be using blessing, any idea why?

It is rumored to be a waste in high level difficulties while consuming too much skill points…

It has a flat damage buffs which is not useful during high level scenario where +100 damage does not matter at all…

That’s one thing I’m considering in choosing my build (as they say)… It’s like choosing between pure build while sacrificing class utility or class efficiency while losing pure build ideology…


Anyway, I might proceed with my Str/Dex build with Priest and Krivis as my primary clas…

If you will ask why… One thing I learned from seeking a DPS critical cleric clas… It is impossible for cleric class to do it… Swordsman fit it best!

I can see that the classes distinction were strictly made to make each classification unique on its own.

Seeking a build reverse to what it was intended is like a waste…

Just as you see… If we will go full int for cleric and do its dps, we know that Wizard can do that best right?

Then when seeking a support role when you are in Wizard class is also a waste when cleric fits it best… (though you can still go that path but just a little bit and stay in the class best purpose)

I watched different videos where each class build is useful for different scenarios… (guild wars, pvp, pve, dungeons/money hunting, etc)
I can see that classes were meant to cooperate with one another that’s why I’m proceeding that path (for now).

The only reason why I’ll keep my critical build is for times when I’m soloing. But the buffs that I have will still be useful for parties, guild wars, etc…

I might sacrifice great benefits from this build but I’m still studying it… If it’s really efficient to go that way…
If the sacrifices are enough, then I might proceed.

I want a build that’s compatible for my taste but not being too selfish being not useful to anyone at all…

I don’t know if I’m in my right mind but I’m still learning…
I’m hoping I’d lessen wasting my time building experiments XD

I hope I’d learn from your advice :smiley:

I keep wondering if the Priest/Chaplain is worth it in the long run, because most of the skills don’t scale and those which do, scale with INT.

Going down the STR/DEX route, this seems the only viable route for me, unless you decide to go monk, especially after the buff limit is getting buffed to 7.

Or alternately, something like this:
From what I’ve seen, the hp regen should be borderline insane.

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I believe, both are good build.
It’s just a matter of question which is more worth it…

The Chaplain>Paladin build surely makes you a useful support while maintaining you Str/Dex build but… it was known by many that Cleric branch lacks the growth of Dex/Critical Rate compared to Swordsman branch.
We surely needs to sacrifice high amount of stats just to compensate for such…

But your Paladin>Plague Doctor build surely compensate for it but losing the sense of being a support (since most support falls in the Priest class) may make you unuseful/do solo player at most time (you have no heal, no resu, no aspersion + no stoneskin – heal and resu is what they expect from support class)

Hmm… But this is the thing… You want a Str/Dex build right? I suggest you go for the Plague Doctor build. Close the door of being a full support and just focus on what matter most to your build…
Focus on your own gameplay and just accept the other part that you will lose.

Think if your build is good enough for its damage and survive-ability (i thnk that build is a little bit squishy).

If your going for Paladin, please do make sure that Smite hits off the crook! That way, you got your own specialty, not just being a dps.

Also consider buying skill scrolls to compensate what you lack (i.e. aspersio 15, stone skin 5 – if they can be craft by Pardoner)

Reexperiment the build and wait for feedback during OBT… Listen to kTOS player comments here and I hope we both do well in having this concept… XD

Right now, I’m confused which to take. But I hope I’ll do well same as you…


there is no reason not to take Cleric C2 for Safety Zone attribute and twice as efficient heals. And in case of you going INT route - cure will become a mad dps skill with C2 attribute as well.

Discussing Chaplain vs Dragoon comparison is about same as discussing Apples vs Oranges.

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Made another thread, condensed some info