Tree of Savior Forum

Chaplain sweet spot : SPR / DEX balance

So I’m playing my once retired Chaplain again, which was my favorite class, but fell off late game. Now with the recent changes I’m really happy with it again.

Now we all know how much Spirit helps with Blessing, but with DEX adding attack speed for your Auto’s therefore quicker procs. At what point would it be more beneficial to pop some DEX points to increase attack speed over SPR.

-Does DEX scale attack speed higher at lower levels then have diminishing returns?

-What is the DEX : Attack Speed ratio in %'s?

-If anyone has some data I could make a spread sheet and compare and find out if there is a sweet spot to get DEX to that will overcome damage output of pure SPR.

I know SPR would be better overall for Party since it applies to all player, but I mainly play solo.

Also does anyone know how SACRAMENT scales with SPR? It seems Sacrament 1 is good enough, but if it scales much differently than I’m gathering maybe I’m wrong. ATM it seems points in Last Rites and Sacrament is mainly for duration.

you may add 80 dex from 8 lv10 ellaganos cards.
value =(10 + ([Skill Level] × 2)) + [Character SPR]

Yeah, but that’s pretty pricey. I’m talking for us non rich people that are going purely on stats for now (I have several non expiring stat reset potions back from founders still)

As for Sacrament
So it’s not really worth it to max it then. That would basically just be:
(10+1x2)+SPR for level 1
(10+10x2)+SPTR for level 10
So in essence 22+SPR or 40+SPR

When it comes to Last Rites though how much will this actually improve it? If I remember right the formula is similar so it’s again fairly negligible and the points would be much better elsewhere.

monstrance also increases dex and lowers enemy defense and evasion…

Yup, I know that. All part of the calculations I want to do. That’s why I’m trying to find some hard numbers for the new stats and the ratios etc.

I know 200 DEX is pretty much the falling off point for increasing attack speed unless you have an insanely good ping.

My experience with this is you go pure SPR. 100 SP is ~280 [blessing] damage. With lines of atk that’s 1400 damage vs just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit faster with 100 DEX.

Yeah that’s why I’m asking, how much speed is say 100 DEX? Is it 5% 10%? 25% ???

“Not enough” for what you lose. SPR to [blessing] damage is usable by everyone. DEX is a solo investment (and it’s not even that much unless you live in korea or something).

Chaplain’s case is unique though because it’s not merely hits per second but damage per second considering how SPR scales well with the AA buffs.

You indeed would need to find the sweet spot between SPR and DEX. Get too high DEX and you might sacrifice your damage. Get too high SPR and you might not be fast enough to dish out that damage in the shortest amount of time.

I suggest while reset event is still on, try to ask for help from someone in-game to test each distribution.

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Exactly! Since our Damage is essentially our attacks our DPS would be proportionate to our Attack Speed, but as you say we don’t want to sacrifice too much SPR for the DEX but there could be a sweet spot where the DEX speed over comes the benefit of the SPR damage addition.

I’m going to try and test this as much as I can and if anyone else can help please do and post here.

If anyone knows the DEX to Speed ratio I could do some calcs and stuff in excel also and find the closest start point.

I look forward to this… hope it helps us newbies! :slight_smile:

Are there any Cleric skills that scale off of SPR?

Zalcai, Heal, Mass Heal, Monstrance, Sacrament, Zombify, Barrier, Increase M.def, Turn Undead, Blessing

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I agree, ellaganos is the best you can do to get DEX without sacrificing much SPR. If you want you can try get SPR + dex gears like max petamion, and maybe somethign ese like that exists.

I did try 100 dex and the rest into spirit and it did feel nice, but the damage dropoff was offputting so i reset it back. With a full set of +10 Eliganos cards, peta and a dex dagger offhand you can easily hit 150+ with monstrance.

How is your little Dex going to be worth the damage you give to 4 other people who like have attacks that hit at faster speeds than your AA.

I guess Chap may become pretty odd because Accuracy will be in STR. You’re going to miss a lot of your auto attacks aren’t you?

I have around 70 DEX (counting gears, etc), rest on SPR. 100ish DEX with monstrance, that amount gives me enough ASPD to pop all the breaking wheel hits before it disappears :thinking:


‘A lot’ is the keyword here. That’s why accuracy is preferable stat on enchants and gems for me.

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“How is your little Dex going to be worth the damage you give to 4 other people who like have attacks that hit at faster speeds than your AA.”

Well as I clearly said in my post I’m aware of this but I mainly play solo… so yeah already covered it.