Tree of Savior Forum

Chaplain (I mean c4 Priest...)

Hey, don’t look at me like that. That was IMC’s statement (regarding early classes not scaling into late game by design). That was a head scratcher though.

So… which part is Chaplain as C4 Priest is bad again?
Sorry I don’t get it.


The OP doesn’t mean to call Chaplain “bad”.
He just disagreed with how the developer made certain classes require specific route from previous classes, for example : Chaplain requires Priest c3 because the developer designed all Chaplain’s skills to be fully dependent on Priest’s skills.


You need (based on the information that is currently out) 3 OTHER ranks for your skills to work. That means you are spending 4 ranks on just 1 circle of a class. Except for Pardoner’s merchant mechanic, every class works by itself.

There was a time where changing class would lock you out of skills learned in previous classes. That was later changed to allow skills from previously learned classes to still work after changing class making the class system more robust (but you couldn’t choose to “rank down”, no c1Cleric - c1 other class - c2Cleric, it HAD to be c1Cleric - c2Cleric - c1 other class or c3Cleric). Later it was changed to allow ranking down. Now with the introduction of the Chaplain, it’s back to reducing your choices. What happens when at rank 8 some new class requires a c3Chaplain?

I can get behind this if it were just 1 circle making the Chaplain be the super Priest. If Chaplain will get 3 circles that 6 ranks for 1 class. If we only go up to 10 ranks you only get 3 other choices (10 ranks - 6 for a c3 chaplain - 1 for taking cleric = 3) That is a huge loss in choices.

I grew up on things like RO skills requiring specific levels in previous skills or FFT classes requiring specific levels of previous classes. But it has to be consistent (every class up in RO has at least 1 skill requiring a previously learned skill, every class up in FFT required a combination of classes learned at specific levels - examples of games that use this system that are more or less famous enough that more or less anyone can get my point - don’t make this a “this isn’t RO” thread) and an official thing like IMC coming out and saying “This is the new thing!”. It has to happen with other classes too (which I’m hoping it will). I can get behind this if this is indeed the new direction for the game.

As far as calling the design “bad” lemme rephrase. Using my limited vocabulary I would say “it does not fit the mold”. I don’t mean bad as in evil or what not.

Ah… ok… I see… Well, I’m just hoping for more variety of builds regardless, doesn’t matter if the class is exclusively to certain class or not. And since it is hidden, people should treat it like one. An exclusive hidden class, I mean by not publicly spread on how to get the class. But seeing of how Internet works, it’s not gonna works like that, so sad :frowning: But nonetheless, I’m still happy with this. It is still far better than broken underpowered class and unnecessary tweak

On the tosbase calculator you can only take one Chaplain rank. It might be only possible to take 1 chaplain circle.

I’m seriously wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do for ranks 6-7 if that’s the case.

That could be just because the information isn’t out yet.

My 2 possible builds are c3cleric c3Priest c1Chaplain for the auto atk healer and c1Cleric c3Priest c1Chaplain c2Krivis for a caster buffer.

Krivis is almost essentially if you want to keep every buff up all the time

You’re pretty much never using build capella without a krivis

I honestly don’t like build capella for this very reason. Sacrament has a nearly 7 minute duration. Why would I want to reduce that to 15-35 seconds? And it wipes out my other buffs like last rites, revive, & aspergillum.

Plus the material to cast it costs 1,000 silver which is absurd. I’m honestly not sure if I’ll be investing points in this skill at all.

Isn’t the point of build cappella that it combines all the buffs into one buff? And thus helps with the bufflimit/castime?

Not that I’ve seen any footage of the skill. It would be a bit dumb if it lets you cast 5 skills and instantly hit the limit.

it applies 5 separate buffs with rather small duration (that you can renew by stepping into Capella’s zone again) so yeah… quite a dumb skill unless you fight a boss/field boss.

Getting chaplain or not as a Priest C3 is up to the player. I got to say that this restricted class is a reward for those who have completed priest’s class cycle (reached c3).
I see no problem on adding more classes such as this for other classes, such as Wiz, QS, Linker, etc.

Can you share a link to the statement? I want to see it with my own eyes.

You won’t be casting all the buffs all the time during grinding, most of the time Bless+Sacrament+Aspersion should be enough, using anything else seems like an overkill.

You’d be using all the buffs during important things like PvP teamfights or Boss Battles. The cost of the Reagents is not really relevant IMO, specially considering how much silver is dropped late game.

You’ill probably be burning through diano scrolls for instances and anything dangerous. So all those krivis pardoners are going to be rolling in the money. I just hope discern evil plague doctor become a thing so the prices stay competitive.

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I was under the impression that Daino scrolls were an impossible thing, am I wrong?

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Was it removed? Maybe I’m uninformed.

Edit: based on chat on class forum and ToS mechanics guide as of 18 days ago Simony can still do daino… But I wouldn’t mind someone on kToS to confirm.

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Can you sell Chaplain skills on spellshop ?

and about this PATCH

  • Pardoner: Spell shop now has a maximum cap of Level 5. (Effects are added per skill Level)

What is mean ?
Each level add more time for the buff or the time for your shop open ?

number of spells you can register iirc.

According to the KR market,It’s still possible to sell / make Daino Scrolls.