Tree of Savior Forum

Channels killed in all the maps after last maintenance

Nice freaken decision to cut down channel of high level maps, especially popular grinding map WHEN U F-K-I-N never port in the ktos higher level quest patch.

They sliced Evacuation Residential District down to 2 channels in klai :frowning: only 2 parties can grind there now.

I get it for places that have 19 channels and maps where it is not a popular grind area like the beginning maps, At least make more mob spawn.

This is a load of crap.
The fact that they didn’t put this up on the patch details already tells you they know this is bad for the players.

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Reducing channels on grinding maps, causing more ks and disputes between parties.

This is the kind of screw up that pisses off everyone. Well done IMC yet again.

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