Tree of Savior Forum

Channel 0 (Your party only)

So while playing TOS I couldn’t help but think how much more fun I would be having if I was playing on my own, or in an exclusive map just for my party. There asre a few reasons for this which I’ll be getting into in this thread, hopefully you can see my point and maybe even help get it implemented so we can all have a much more enjoyable time.

Holy crap the bots!
This isn’t even the elephant in the room, its like a wooly mammoth equip with a time machine and twin sub-woffers… anyway; this is a really big issue that gets in the way A LOT Just now I’m trying to level in Tenate Church F2 and the whole map is flodded with level 80 bots 80!?!?! This is a disaster and it is literally impossible to compete with them, they’re unkillable in these areas and oh my god they all have arde daggers so they oneshot everything… GREAT! But we all know the bot issue is a disaster, I’m just beating the dead time traveling DJ Mammoth at this point.

When it’s not the bots, its the spawns.
Like the spawns in this game are wayyy too long, trying to get a quest together and I’m lucky to ever find the one monster I need because, well obviously everyone needs it so it makes complete logical sense to have that thing spawn like once every 2 decades.

People in general are an inconvenience in the over world.
Never once have I encountered someone else in game and not been like “Oh well crap there goes my good spot” or “This guy is gonna kill my quest mob, I know it” I’ve never once in this game seen another player and had that improve my experience. I can’t even trade goods with them any more so literally what is the point.

If you’re not on top of the grind, you’re literally slowed down by others.
I’ve heard report after report of high level players stating that one of the keys to leveling up fast is just to do it first beat the bots, beat the others, and you’ll be a lot better off, the game is actually better without other people there.

This really seems to be how the game was reviewed and got it’s praise.
Ever notice how the reviews of TOS were extremely positive before launch? yeah because the critics didn’t have to deal with bots, kill stealing, awful spawns, and all that other crap; all these issues which tax at the play and take away from the game, remove you from the experience and are just genuinely something I’d rather avoid.


Strangly enough i totally agree!

Guild Wars 1 was like this, all the areas of the game were TOTALLY instanced and the game even gave you the chance of having AI companions to bring along if you wanted to play solo… so people had the chance of choosing if they wantd to play on their own or with other people and it was AWESOME…

This concept seems to be so illogical to many mmo players… but well… one of the best mmos of all times used it and it was higly succesfull.

I think that this would be an idea that is as effective as it is simple.

It’s worth noting that it will also deeply change the game’s dynamics: many players will complain and call the game a single player experience, but those are the same geniuses who now complaing about everything else (they always complain, yeah).

The only time in my history with MMOs where I found that, meeting another human being while exploring the world was not making me nervous, angry or edgy was Guild Wars 2, the way open world pve works in there is a testament that for some developers, interaction between players is still important. Achieving something along those lines I think is impossible for a game that has been conceived in a radically different way, like ToS has.

Having a chance to get your own map, where you can farm freely with your group, or do quests by yourself would completely remove this hate many of us have towards the next guy who comes along, who might or might not steal our kill (support characters more than anyone else know what I’m talking about).

In my opinion this would solve so many problems that it is pointless to ask if it is a good move. The question would be: is it technically doable? For a game that has been designed towards having few channels per map, to have, potentially, as many channels as there are players in the game might not be feasible.

Agreed… the two guild wars game are masterpieces that every game dev should study when it comes to social interactions and social gameplay inside an mmo.

The first one actually made the full game isntanced giving companions so that people could also play solo if they so felt like it… no kill steal, no grinding competition… and i remember there were almost no complaints about it and a ery relaxed and social community for the most part.

Guild wars 2 took that away but it substituted it with an awesome questing mechanic that 100% encouraged teamwork over kill steals and competition outside of PvP.

The thing i always wonder about is as why other devs don’t copy those two awesome games.

Well there are already separated sections in the game, like when you do a quest and there is a cut-scene or boss-event. These are separated from the rest, wouldn’t it be possible to do something like this but for the whole map?

I’m really no tech-savvy, mine are just assumptions.
Maybe it takes no effort to implement it, I really don’t know. Hopefully someone with better knowledge in this area will sumple on the thread and share some knowledge :grin:

The GW2 formula is probably much more complex and taxing on the servers because they have to keep track of each player’s contribution. Probably they always decide to go “the easy way” when they come up with “new” games.