Tree of Savior Forum

Changes on C8 wizard class: enchanter new meta sup/sage dps top dps(?)

i want to know the opinion about what will happen with this 2 wizard circles.

the new skills of enchanter dont looks to usefull. unless u have cryo to increase the lightning damage. but empowered 10 and enchant lightning 10 can be the best buffes on the game

the skill that cast the sage looks useless and also with a long of cast time but do a lot of damage with 3 hit and maybe with wizz 3 will be a nice combination. so maybe sage will remplace WL on elememes builds.

I don’t remember the link, but i remember one WIP sage skill on a database page that involved locking up an enemy into a dimensional maze or some wacky ■■■■ like that and I hope they add it. Maybe that’s why the enemy was having that orange glow in the teaser?

thats the elite effect on the mob.

Huh. Never seen elite mobs with that kind of glow before tbh. usually the glowy effects I see cover the whole model instead of the corners :disappointed_relieved:
EDIT: guess it has to do with the fact I put my graphics the lowest possible I guess.

Those were known on tosneet.
Enchanter magic powder:, enchantment:, reward

Though these skills weren’t shown on the teaser. The sage skill looks like a very slow charging old Energy bolt/ice bolt/freezing sphere/alchemist missile. I’ll name it Dimension bolt.


its a good name but i sage never looks like some class who throw some kind magick i’ll name it like Dimensional crash and i hope that increase the number of its per lvl

What does Enchanter’s Empowering do exactly? I know it increases lvl but how is that good?

some stats are based on the lvl difference. like critical rate or final damage after the def. so get more lvl will increase your critical rate. and the damage and deff to

Think it was created to be used by summoners. Higher level character => higher level summon. Also higher SP pool to prolong summon, back in the day summoning of sorc would prevent SP recovery. Outdated skill.

i have tested the enchanter doesn’t raise level on summon. just wait more detail maybe tomorrow, we have yet to see new attribute as well, and enchanter lv10 shop.

Base on the preview, enchanter is more like Taoist a support with okish damage skill. Sage like psycho a gimmicky pvp dpser, while shadow like warlock a gimmicky pve dpser involve some action and situation.

elementalist and pyro are heavy nuker with lot of direct skills rotation.

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