Tree of Savior Forum

Change the game name to Knock Back of Savior

Seriously is it really that hard to come up with boss mechanics that don’t involve they knocking down/away players in every single attack?


Yeah… when you aren’t playing a swordsman knockbacks/downs are super annoying when fighting bosses. Even when you use Gazing Golem Card, move around and jump for other classes, it’s near impossible to avoid every knockback from all the bosses.

2 minutes to kill a poata because of chain knockdown is really annoying, btw


git gud bruh


Knockbacks are really annoying. I just wish bosses can stun, poison, silence, sleep, and other status ailments so that dispeller can also be useful.

Knockbacks arent a challenge anymore, it is plain annoying and its frustrating that pain barrier is the only way to counter it.

Bosses must have some other way of disable with proper counters.


Tree of Gacha sounds more accurate at its current state,

But i do agree that knockbacks doesnt make the game harder, its just a horrible mechanic that makes the gaming experience tedious, and less enjoyable.

If tos wants to make bosses more enjoyable fights, namely boss fights, they should consider giving bosses mechanics that may punish the palyers, if they fail to complete what needs to be done.

One example would be, everyone in the party has to stay close together to split the boss AoE damage.


I think knockdown is one of the few mechanics that are useful and have to be fully utilized (e.g. a knocked down character has 0 evasion, 0 block and 0 defence values; monster should follow a knockdown with a strong attack) by the game mechanics.
Currently it’s just annoying because monsters can’t kill you anyway and will just toss you around the map.
Also, knockdown immunity in the form of Pain Barrier shouldn’t exist, it should be reduced to 5% resistance per skilllevel (capping at 60%) to make knockdown a threat to everyone rather than being just annoying.

Tree of face tank has to stop, so by removing or reducing knockdown rates, the game just becomes more easy[because of the planned 2x defence rates of plate&cloth armor] and stupid[you don’t have to actively dodge anymore] than it already became.

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You know, once I loved stone skin from my priest full spr. Even that heavy hook from siau golem doesn’t even make me flinch was pretty satisfying.

I wouldn’t mind if it’s like that golem doing it ocassionaly. But poata and gazing golem is just…

now I miss my cleric block :slightly_frowning_face:

Good Idea, when even dispeller is useful?

Lame replies like this makes me think you only fight siau bosses.


Yeah pretty much the truth TBH.

Dungeons,Siau, ET, Guild Raids/Boss Hunts.
I dont mind the knockback, just that i wish more of them could be avoided by jumping or doing certain maneuvers
( Something like Monster Hunter)

Thats why i made a sw3 boss slave just for doing the guild raids. Unless i am bored i will jump back on my main (Wiz)

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This. It feels like that knock back is the only mechanic that bosses have (or maybe it is the ONLY mechanic that bosses have)

No wonder why Swordsman c2 and c3 are so popular .

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