Tree of Savior Forum

Challenge Mode feedback and suggestions

Since there’s a lot of free Challenge Mode Reset Voucher & Challenge Mode Portal Scroll, i want to write this feedback on Challenge Mode.

#1: Many player (or even Bot) farming on the Map that led to opening Challenge portal so far from places they usually go to do Challenge Mode.
Players usually have their own places to do Challenge Mode (Usually at narrow place so the monster got concentrated).
Originally, we’re thankful to them since they can open Challenge portal for free. But that’s not case anymore since you can get a lot of Challenge Mode Portal for free every weekend or you can just buy Challenge Mode Portal very cheap at Market.

Ex :

Suggestion : Maybe you can just erase the Purple monster and make Challenge Mode Portal Scroll drop from monster after you kill fixed amount of monster.
Of course make it Untradable so it wont break the Challenge Mode portal price even further, or maybe you can just make it disappear upon leaving the map.

#2: Step Up / Finish portal at the end of every stage sometimes is so inconvenient if you do Challenge Mode at a very narrow space.
The portal sometimes got thrown really far from where you stand to do Challenge Mode.

Ex :

Suggestion : As for this, maybe make it like Dimensional Collapse where you choose the Level before entering the Portal.

#3: Doing Challenge mode in mainstream map often gives you another challenge. That is, you have to compete with other people to enter the Challenge mode since the portal always showing 10/10 party inside it.

Suggestion : Add more channel in mainstream map or maybe remove the limit on how many party that can enter the portal.

#4: This may be unrelated to Challenge Mode, but if your inventory is so full with the Equipment you get from spamming Challenge Mode, you are unable to fix your Top Armor.

Ex :

You see there? Even if i click “Select equipped item”, i cant select nor repair the Top Armor.

That’s all the inconvenient thing i’ve met in Challenge mode,
If you have another thing that makes you uncomfortable in Challenge Mode please feel free to write it below.


Hello savior,

Thank you for sharing your thought on improving Challenge Mode, we’ll be sure to forward this for review. Please stay tuned in our website for future updates.