Tree of Savior Forum

Ch. crash and bomb every sec

It seems that if you upgrade your equipment after crash is 100% successful


don’t be naive that guy lied to you lol. IMC never bans crash exploiters

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Sorry, Saviors we are aware of this Problem and already searching for the root cause. We will deliver the good news in ASAP


ya sure? …you should try it yourself with your main account then

someone digged the mess from the rug

treasure hunting under the rug is the real end game

too bad im poor with coding

Would IMC let abusers get away with this? Yes, of course they would.

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Someone used the command to permanently delete every channel on your server. They’re going to open a new server and have everyone start back at Lvl. 1 till it happens again.

Sad life, my Miko-to-be was praying for almost 2 hours already >_> Oh well.

if imc will not do anything and i see all those +20weapon and shet… can someone recomend me a game?

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I have a better one for you…

The game got tired of waiting for fixes.

Candy Crush Saga. Best Game 2016/2017.


they do ban, albeit selectively, which is much worse than not banning anyone at all

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Always the last bird to catch em worms are we?

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Its impossible to check market. Every time I read 5 pages, channel crashes.
Hating BRs even more.

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Some one is exploiting real hard to try and dupe. I hope he lost his item while trying :joy:

Been asking why does this client side command even exist .
IMC won’t answer it.

I can only say why are you hiring potatoe farm when you have cash cows.

but ofc, just for this instance, I find @Sorien quite heroic tbh


So he is trying since morning…
I’m here thinking if tomorrow I will be able to do at least my missions.

this is actually funny cause I’m seeing alchs crafting potions inside highlander master’s hall now