Tree of Savior Forum

CCSage Viable Variants?

Hi pips!

One of the most wanted in parties on high level dungeons(especially E.T.) are CCSage - more in-demand than healer since 50%(or even more) of ToS players are clerics LOL.

Wiz1 > Cryo3> Chrono3> Sage is the solid build. But the problem with this is that it lacks the damage which make leveling very hard. Tried it before with my Wiz1>cryo3>chrono1 : Took me 5min or more on taking down a quest boss(which other players can kill in 1min)

I’ve created some build paths that might be effective in both solo and party and has good DPS while having CCs and Sage.
Need some advice/comments on this
I didn’t test this builds yet, but some you might have…

1.) Wiz1> Cryo3> Ele3> Sage
2.) Wiz1> Cryo3> Kino3> Sage
3.) Wiz3> Cryo3> X> Sage - were X is a filler Class, best would be linker?
4.) Wiz1> Cryo3> Pyro3> Sage
5.) Suggestions?

Need your comments on the listed builds…also suggestions.
Aim is:

  • Decent CC
  • Decent Damage
  • Sage
  • Can solo while also being effective in Party with end Game Content.
  • Decent in PVP (optional)

The CC and Sage is good, but the best part of cryo chrono sage is the Chrono for pass, quicken, and haste.

Cryo3 Sorc2 Necro Sage does fit the bill with what you’re looking for. Full SPR and you will deal good damage with sorc while having support capabilities. Necro’s decay will give 50% damage to missile damage, benefiting both your temple shooter and archer friends.

Option 1 is a decent pvp build. PvE is also ok I guess, but will have some problems with skills being interrupted/long cast time.
Option 2 will be bad DPS. Good for PVP
Option 3 you could pick kino for the ice wall combo with psychic pressure. Excellent burst damage, but still low dps when ice wall is on cd.
Option 4 is interesting, idk if I’d say anything about it since I’ve never combined those classes.

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Necro decay gives 100% damage to missile(not 50%). Though it only works for non boss monsters.
To be honest, I dont understand how it can be hard to levelling nowadays. Do you get +2000blessing and sacramenti buffs from Pardoners in Klaipeda? It costs like 800 silver each. You can level wiz1 from 1 to 330 without a weapon with these. I also dont get why do you even do quests? Do siauliai missions and dungeons 3 times a day with random party, then go farm some hunting grounds with 1-2 players and you will be fine.
Yes, the build proposed above (w1-cryo3-sorc2-necro-sage) will be fine for you. You will be bad in PvP but still there will be some fun.
If you dont like sorcerer, then it is only cryo3-chrono3-sage if you want to be somehow viable and usefull, but only in party, this one is not a solo build at all. Wiz has 3 viable builds for now: cryo chrono, w2-link2-thau2-ff2 for solo materials farming, and some cryo3-sorc2 full spr variations.

It’s 50% now. 100% was before rebalance patch.

No. I play necro3. Some fresh screens:

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Cool, thanks for update. Maybe they changed it after summon patch? I remember testing it myself and it was only 50% after rebalance.

It has always been 100% for me. Both decay from Shogg and from FC/Dirty Pole.

I could have been wrong because back then summon damage was super low and damage ranged so much that I combined a high value pre-decay with a low value after decay and got 50%.

I main a Cryo3 Kino3 (previously wiz2, cryo2 kino3; R8 is runecaster). It is good in solo and party. Rebalance made it more viable since low rank classes can still be good with a good weapon. In party, you can do snowrolling > frost pillar (throw ice blast while it’s up) > gravity pole. Swap is helpful to place those annoying archer/mage mobs that won’t move to your party’s magic circle (Looking at D290 archers >_>).

Kino3 helps in damage while soloing. Gravity pole also locks elite mobs so you won’t get caught by their purple debuff thing. When facing archer/mages, kite and throw frost pillar or GP or raise + PP. When you have to face the boss during quest you have ice wall + pp. That’s how I survive solo questing until R8 back in the day. It is an active and fun playstyle although it may not fit everyone’s taste.

I can’t say for pvp as I only do pve (I’m that crazy person who play kino or pve lol).

I’ve seen Cryo3 Pyro3 Sage, haven’t tried it myself. I would recommend the build if it was the old pyro. Currently the class is underwhelming for damage. :confused:

Hey there, i main Option 1.
You can never sub a ccsage in ET runs , but its very compatible with another ccsage. You guys can work around on the timing to sustain/clone frost pillars which provides a very strong CC core for your overall team.

The casting might be an issue for you initially and it takes some times to get used to. DPS is good i can say, especially after the double overheat electrocute buff. Ice blast is cheap aoe with very high skill factor and 3 overheats. You will be pretty reliant on your CC and blink’s illusion to draw mob/boss aggro while you fire your spells.

TLDR; not too bad, sacrifice QC/Surespell for more utility and varied gameplay

Preview of my CeleSage

Wiz1 > Cryo3> Chrono3> Sage is the solid build. But the problem with this is that it lacks the damage which make leveling very hard.

Start a new steam account, create your Wizard with the Get Ahead event. Leveling it trivial and you can get to 330 doing only dungeons in 2 or 3 days.

use shop blessings with over 2000 bonus damage. cast icewall, hit it with “c” button (staff or dagger weapon). you will be #1 in every dungeon run till rank8.

with new WB wiping the floor with everyone, sage missile hole is important again. enchanter would only be good here if everyone in your team can reliably stay alive.

cryo1/pyro1 link3 chrono3 is decent with lifeline. full dex here would only make sense with a staff, quicken15 and 100 or so dex will hit the attackspeed limit for dagger. fireball has 5 overheats but it doesn’t benefit from attackspeed, only hitting icewall will (and sacrament/enchant fire screw this up). also, you have the usual problems with JP.

pyro is generally bad now because all fireball combos suck and agny necklace lock-in. fire pillar is the strongest skill, and cryo3 pyro2 warlock2 is one of the best ways to use this. (ice tree everything into fire pillar, pole of agony, and mastema)

cryo3 sorc2 … runesage runekino warlock2 runeenchanter … and probably more… you must be full SPR to get the most out of summons (sorc3 is not required, especially if you transcend your weapon). summons help you bypass aggro limit and get 20+ monsters to follow you -> ice pillar cast -> aoe summon attack. also, cat aoe ratio is nice with icewall poking. Link for this event for him. Just make a new account.

Not sure Im bored being a sage. hahahaha is this build okay?

Wiz1> Cryo3> Kino1> Chrono ?

I am a support person but atleast I want to help in killing mobs. so I dont know if this is good.

or should I stay at SAGE? hihihi