Tree of Savior Forum

CBT 2 with 3 separate servers. (All are 🇺🇸 servers)

wait… My server list still only Laima :confused:

It’s probably a bug, I’ve opened up the game three times and has three servers. Well… on the 4th attempt i got only Laima, weird…

maybe is not a bug. There was never offical news about the amount of Servers. So they probably came to the conclusion to try it only with Laima for this beta.

Could this be if they wanted to test the maximum capacity of the server, when they obtain data, will put the other two servers. As you all know, an ADM talked about the three servers be in the US, so it’s best to wait official announcement.

Here still being three servers, I live in Europe.

Hmmm how strange I also live in europe and its only 1 server

Forget what I said, I reopened the game five minutes after, there was no actualization from steam or patch, even so the servers have disappeared for me as well.

Hmm, this certainly puts a dent into my choice of server. On the one hand, I’m fairly sure I read that most of the BR community will be going Laima. There’s also the SEA to consider, who after a large poll on Facebook, have decided to go Laima.

Not to mention all the beta testers who are currently not active on the forums, they’ll probably be going for the first server, Laima, alongside those who will be rushing to get in game also.

With all this in mind, I’m going to go with the (hopefully) least populated server, Laima.

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the different channel will help

if the server can handle it, still am sad the server I pick got removed so far :frowning:

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Gah! Somebody took ‘Spike Spiegel’ on the Laima server!

I managed to get them on Gabija and Zemyna at least…
On Laima I shall have my character named… ‘Spiegel FlagGuy’

see you in game :v: :hamburger:

Laima. Sanshiro, Segata. Please friend me so that when the system works i can accept it… haha.
or friend me on steam. we made a steam user info thread here so folks can group up.