Tree of Savior Forum

Cataphract - Pet doubts

I wanna know about Pet Stats. Can I mount all 3 pets?
Do they have different stats points?
Do they give different buffs?

3 pets?
Hoglan, “green rat that i dont know the name” and falcon?
Well, you can mount the first 2 [ and those guild pets too] and pets gives you 10% of their def when they have stamina (you need to feed it to get those bonus).
The rat has better HP/def ratio, hoglan has more accurary/dodge.
Imo, the rat is a better option bcz it will give u 25% hp/10% def.

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yes, those three :smiley:


There are more pets? Are they better than the “rat”?

I thought it was 25% of their HP, at @Cathexis swordman guide it is said that at least

Yeah he’s right! It is 25% hp.
Also its the only stat worth upgrading (imo).

ok :smiley: thx for sharing your knowledge. I am not into tank builds but this class has draw my attention! So I need to make it!

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Companions consume 1 char slot (some ppl still dont know about it).
Good lucky man and have fun!

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Thought so… there is too many classes that decreases your defense =/ and I also need some kind of defense against magic and I won’t put any stats in spr, so HP is the best stats to invest in!

So the bonus we can get is different depending on the pet we are using ?

So I MUST change my Hoglan for the Green Rat ???
Or is it that the Rat just has more HP so it gives more through the bonus ?

If u wish for higher HP and Def than you should get Green Rat as they have a higher base HP and Def. If you wish for more Evasion, then you should keep your hoglan.