Please, no drop chance or silver boosts. exp ones max at 20%, no gear (only cosmetics), no gems, and no random discounts (only like the first week of the month gets 20%)
All of this, I like.
Anything that isn’t pay to win involved. I mean costumes and apperance stuff would be cool, but nothing that make your character stronger or with some advantage over other players that can’t/won’t pay to win.
your list is pretty much p2w list >.>
I actually hate VIP system …reminds me of bns china
I’d pay a lot for many fancy dresses <3
Hopefully it’s just a bug.
TP = Korean iCoins
If you think boosters wont be in a free to play game you are delusional
Exp booster - only for those below 200 rankings (no rushing for end game)
Bank expansions - one time fee to add another page to storage, up to 20 storage (people can create an alt, but lose a potential or two)
Skill reset - cannot change class, only allow reset to skills
Resurrection - same as level 5 Resurrection from Priest, giving only 50% of HP with no change to MP (I think currently it gives no MP regardless)
Event scrolls:
PvP flag for person - flag yourself as PvP player, only on limited maps (most likely level 300+). Channel time 3 seconds (move to cancel), will enter pre-PvP states for 10 seconds (name becomes yellow with a buff, and cannot attack yet), then it will become PvP states (name becomes red with a buff, and can attack players). Right click to turn back to post-PvP states for 30 seconds (can be attack by others, cannot remove buff).
PvP flag for map (only on the channel that has field boss) - enable a map for PvP, last for an hour. Players will not enter the channel directly, but can switch into it. Channel name will display (Channel X PvP state)
PvP flag for guild (an hour delay, last for an hour, flag on both guilds, at most flag x 3)
Other events scroll can be used by Templar for their events within their guild, such as hide and seek may disable name tag for the guild within a map.
All these should be tradable
Additionally, these should be free:
Report Bots to GM scroll - a buff cast on a character to indicate Bot status, movement speed slowly decreases after 10 mins (cannot be used in town, will be given 5 per day, and expire within a day).
Response to GM scroll - when a Bot status buff is active, user may use this scroll to contact GM to clear their Bot status.
Now while exp booster is somewhat ok because we do quest mostly, drop and silver booster will make the game go down the drain. Trust me that’s how most games in my country operate, and even great games like Atlantica or Cabal didn’t last a year.
Premium status is also a bad one, it quickly widen the gap between paying and non-paying users, so that after a while paying user will only be playing with paying users since they are on the same pace.
Not to mention silver inflation will make the game much harder for starter.[quote=“Asgard, post:17, topic:124856”]
Finished products from weapon and armor recipes (the basic recipe for the same item should also be available from beating monsters in the game or bought with silver from NPCs, top tier recipes for the best items should never be allowed, only step ins)
Rare Materials (should also be available from beating monsters in the game)
Monster Gems (should also be available from beating monsters in the game)
Already roasted stat gems with some levels already gained (unranked gems should be available from game sources)
Trading cash shop money for silver (reasonable and fixed amounts, not too much, only if trading cash currency between users iis allowed, should be a cash currency sink)
[/quote]These completely eliminate the need to play the game. Seriously, why would you even go out and explore when you can buy everything? Look at how those trashy Chinese web games operate, do you want this to be the same?
unique costume and exp boost
and a mount will be nice
To me they should not try to sell playability or powerups… if they make new costumes and cosmetics every month and if they have a Mopay option I guess they will make more money than if they do an item to not break weap if it fail when enchanting or anything along this lines. No decent people want to be stronger or to play a better game because they paid, if it’s to be payed just make it buy2play. I have over 200 games on my Steam and would gladly pay another one, but to me it’s not worth paying for playability. When I played league of legends I bought skins almost every month… So I really hope they release many hats and costumes every month. I would also love to have costumes for the pet.
I guess reset skill/stats is ok to be cash item…
Additional suggestions
Premium Pets - imagine pokemon. lol
Weapon costume anvil - an anvil that will permanently craft a costume affect on your weapon… and weapon that was crafted should still be tradable. (the anvil should not be tradable. and the UI should have some preview feature before you permanently craft it.)
Special VIP ticket - ticket pass to be able to enter some private channels for limited amount of time… maybe a week to expire. private channels useful if the map was to crowded and you want to play or grind in peace. World boss should not respawn on private channel.
Stat/Skill reset scrolls - but the price should base from levels… and should not be tradable and limited per character… (something like… you are not allowed to buy more than 2 pieces every 4months)
I know that my point of view is bordering on many lines, but I prefer this system to real heavy content paywalls, if you can get everything in game anyways, only those who don’t really play or people in a rush would be the ones buying these “pay to win” features.
This is exactly my point, pay not to play, and let the ones enjoying the game enjoy it to their fullest.
Plus, if they did make available trading between users with cash shop currency, many of these features to avoid spending time would be available to completely free playing users, which is one of the biggest points.
A rare weapon that you can farm in game costs 300 cash points, but a user can sell the recipe for the very same weapon he got in a raid for a lower amount, lets say 150 for this example, and then the rare materials for 5 points each totaling 250 cash points (remember that trading a completed weapon would lower the potential by 1). Then he who wants to skip the grind either buys directly from the cash shop instantly or gets down to look for people until he finds one interested on selling him the pieces (or weapon with the 1 potential loss) a little bit cheaper, either way he had to spend money in the game.
Now this free user that sold his items has his sights on a pretty nice costume that costs 100 cash points, a completely different item from the cash shop, or drop boosts for raid farming, since he’s got his cash points from selling his unwanted recipes and/or rare weapons, then he can get it for free, and just for playing the game that the other guy did not want to play!
The items sold should be more expensive than costumes. With this method, any free user would be able to enjoy all the features, and a paying user would be able to provide free users with a way to get cash points while requiring less of an investment, or get the item instantly by paying a little more. But allowing the trade of cash points between users should also give the option for acquiring them in the shop, at the bare minimum, to have a comparison point so prices don’t go too out of hand. The end result is still that cash points would be flowing in, since the only way to get them is paying in the first place and people get practical fedback from using them outside of vanity, hence bigger sales, and lower cost for vanity items in the user market.
Here’s some of the things that I’ve seen done in a couple of games I was interested in, these are what I’m most afraid of happening (would kill the game, and are the reason I completely killed those games in the first place).
There’s more that I’d prefer not to include, PLEASE stay away from all the following and never allow it to see the light:
- Small inventory slots so you Need To pay a lot of money for Each character you want somewhat useful. Check Devilian for example, where you get all your inventory slots for just around 20$! (Uninstalled after the first 5mins)
- Consumable items that grant increased stats, or extremely useful cash only regen potions. Did you say you need 50 of those on every party member to beat the latest raid? Aw yes!
- Best (and only viable) pet in the game that grants you XXX% stat/speed boost, only 60$! You even get to keep it a whole 30 days!! Please remember, you still need to pay 5$ for the extra daily boss runs if you want to exploit the pet to its fullest.
- So, you need a weapon upgraded to +40 for the raid bossus and the pvp ladies eh, and the game keeps breaking and making you grind another 10h for a new one. WORRY NOT, for just 1$ a piece you can have this little thing that will get your one upgrade working! You will only need 80 of them because they only give you an extra 10% chance to finish upgrading this weapon that will be useless in the next update we have ready to release right when everyone is done with their weapons!
- What? You like this new map? Go in first for just 12$ a month!
- Become a VIP now and you get 100% EXP, LOOT, GOLD and free warps, the premium pet (with improved stats), the premium butler (does the things you dislike of the game for you!), and the premium beer you get sent to your house so you can watch the premium bot kill all your enemies with insta headshot in the pvp while drinking!
- What? Leveling this job is too painful with the endgame build? You require a party at all times? Here buy this reset and happy leveling!
(Sorry I couldn’t resist it, this feature is something really bad for me)
- Oh so you can’t join in that map because freebies overcrowd it, or get your spot? DO NOT WORRY, for just 12$ a month you get a skip on all those pesky free users trying to play your game with your exclusive premium only channel!
The best outcome would be only skins and costumes, I do agree with that. Like you, I prefer to see it the way of the cute skins, different colors, and costumes, but if things had to be added, for a business model, I would choose this “pay to avoid playing” before anything else, since it would cater both to people who want things quicker and have money, and free users that can get their currency while playing and enjoying all the features all the same.
We can agree, everyone loves skins and costumes!
maplestory 2 can do that …so why not?
Don’t make me wrong here. having to access some private channels is for a very little comfort. everything are the same which means you are still doing the hard work the others are doing unlike drop booster and exp booster. in fact this will be a waste if there are also a lot of people buying the vip ticket which makes private channels crowded too. it’s pure supply and demand.
law of nature will prevail here unlike booster who are guaranteed convenience for your money.
There’s a problem with this, a new premium only channel includes new premium only world bosses. It wouldn’t be as bad without the bosses, but still bad since it would make an even bigger gap between premium and non premium users.
it’ll be like china bns all over again where vip channel full while normal channel did not
what are you talking about… we are here… at the current present time, why do you speak like there is a “premium only world bosses”. ?? sir… do you know how to discuss things here? your statement is an assumption. we here are making suggestions. I would accept you statement if you are suggesting they should not put world bosses (which I already did on my main post). but you here is trying to create something just to prove someone wrong haha, wtf is premium world bosses.
what’s next you are going to tell me the " believe me there will be" on your next line? seriously? …
let’s just forget this discussion. I’m done talking to you. we already shared both our points.
I second that! #20charsftw