Tree of Savior Forum

Cards for wizards

yeah the whole System is unbalanced as hell - better than it was before (flat) but still unbalanced as hell (because of abnormal upgrade possebility)

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if you’re having problem with those kind of enemies, that is where your build/party composition is going to be relevant.

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iam serios - we need more cards that adds dmg to certain status aliments like curse, burn ect and cards that deal that same aliment on bosses as well else chapariton is always better than every other card (in overall use)

also, I would love a card that has petrify chance, for pyros

Transcendance only takes into account the base MATK of your weapon. After that, the damage formula takes into account magic attack (minimum) and magic amplification (maximum) from all your equipment (headgear, enchantments, cards). This gives you the final attack range, which is used to calculate the damage of your skills using skill multipliers. Then on top of that, a flat damage is added from all elemental bonuses you have (purple cards, enchant fire/lightning skills, +x property damage on items…).

For me, cards effects are too limited, and cards themselves are too rare, I usually don’t care much about them. That’s why I go for the easier route. Flat MATK/stats/damage is fine, it’s not like it will give you twice your damage output if you invest in rare cards.

For example , if I understood correctly, matk on hats is better than elemental attack. If I got an hat with 100 matk and with mamp is better than any hat with 3 elemental attack or 2 and matk or 2 and mamp , right?

Also, chapparition card would be much better than any combo of cards as it scales with the skill factor , right?

hm… its a good question if the Card % (add X dmg on Y Status Aliment) is added to the Formular or multipies the end dmg by x %

Yes MATK > MAMP > flat damage.

x MATK + y MAMP + z property attack with n * 100% skill -> (x + 1dy) * n + z damage

Chapparition is applied to the MATK part of the formula only, but with 3 max cards it’s +30% for 6 seconds every 45 seconds. So if you have a total MATK of 5000, you get an extra 1500 each time you quaff a SP potion. Basically, it’s the same as having Mothstem cards (+1500 1/7th of the time or +210 permanent) with the hassle (and the cost) or quaffing a SP potion every 45 seconds. So definitely go with Chapparition if your MATK is higher and Mothstem if it’s not.

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