Tree of Savior Forum

Cards for pve farm wizard

i am pyro1 linker2 thau3 and ench2 full spr, thanks for help

I like to use 3x Reaverpede, 3x Armaos, 3x Tutu and 3x Gorkas on my farmers.

Green: Gorkas x3
Purple: Usually people put the 10% chance of recovering SP/HP cards here, that will depend on which spot/monsters you farm.
Red: Hm i’ve seen people using Mallet Wyvern card here, do swell body change enemy type from medium to large? %dmg to the monster property/type you farm the most will work, and u are using Enchanter2 so FrostLord may be a good option too. Tbh I don’t use red cards on my wiz thaumalinkerRC farmer, it’s not really needed.
Blue: Armaos/Zaura/Nuaele