Tree of Savior Forum

Can't see the items tooltip, can only see what you currently have equipped. Started since most recent patch

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 3:30 pm 9/30/2017
Server Name: Orsha
Team Name: Busby
Character Name: Mister
Bug Description :

I can’t see what it is that I hover over with my mouse, I can see what I have equipped in that slot. Only fix I have is to unequip item so I can see the new item tooltip, and then equip an item. Bug then comes back where I can only see what I have equipped.

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : both mouse/keyboard and with joypad


  • CPU : i5 6600k
  • RAM : 16gb
  • Graphics Card : GTX 1080 Running at any resolution. No fix.
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS : Windows
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region :

Won’t let me post image. I hover over a staff, in the image, but it only shows me the crossbow that i have equipped, not the staff.

If you’re using addons, uninstall “Tooltip Helper”. Worked for me.

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Thanks. That’s the answer.