Tree of Savior Forum

Can't pick Twohand Mace out of 315 Weapon Boxes

Why is the 315 twohand mace not in the 315 weapon box from events? The first time the event came around I figured it was so new that IMC didn’t want to give it out for free, but not it’s super old, it’s not that big of a deal to give it out. I mean the shield not being there is bad enough, seems like more of an oversight but come on IMC, don’t play favorites, the mace will be outdated soon anyways and you won’t make any less money by adding it to the box.

The 2h Mace makes no sense, wish it were in the cube too, but the shield does. Shields are considered armor and the cube is called a 315 weapon box right?

I believe another weapon isnt in their too… Is the rapier missing?

wish there was atleast a 270 purple shield in the armor box