Tree of Savior Forum

Can't obtain "Wandering Gunman" title

Server Name: Silute

Team Name: Struudou

Character Name: Azrael

Bug Description:

I believe the Bullet Marker Master`s quest to obtain the title “Wandering Gunman” is bugged. I started the quest by talking to the Mercenary Post Manager Rota in Klaipeda until I got her dialogue asking me to talk to the Bullet Marker Master at Greene Manor. I went to Greene Manor and talked to him, but only got his default dialogue sentences, and nothing related to the quest.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Talk to the Mercenary Post Manager Rota in Klaipeda
  2. Keep choosing the first dialogue option, about the special request
  3. Talk to her until she tells you about a special request from the Bullet Marker Master
  4. Go to Greene Manor and talk to the Bullet Marker Master
  5. He doesn’t tell you anything about the quest nor gives any quest itens


Thanks for reading, any help would be appreciated.

Hi @struudou,

Kindly send a support ticket to customer support regarding this for further assistance.
