Server Name: Silute
Team Name: Struudou
Character Name: Azrael
Bug Description:
I believe the Bullet Marker Master`s quest to obtain the title “Wandering Gunman” is bugged. I started the quest by talking to the Mercenary Post Manager Rota in Klaipeda until I got her dialogue asking me to talk to the Bullet Marker Master at Greene Manor. I went to Greene Manor and talked to him, but only got his default dialogue sentences, and nothing related to the quest.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
- Talk to the Mercenary Post Manager Rota in Klaipeda
- Keep choosing the first dialogue option, about the special request
- Talk to her until she tells you about a special request from the Bullet Marker Master
- Go to Greene Manor and talk to the Bullet Marker Master
- He doesn’t tell you anything about the quest nor gives any quest itens
Thanks for reading, any help would be appreciated.