As title, I can’t get to explore 100% in this map. I walked every corner I could walk. Am I missing something? Helps will be kindly appreciated! Thanks!
there’s a secret portal.
after you get the cross shaped key thing from finishing tenet chapel you’ll find a small obelisk around the entrance to klaipeda (the 1st path from the portal to the right)
use they key near the obelisk and it will take you to a hidden area, that looks like a pvp arena lol.
to find out if a place has an obelisk right click on the key in your inventory while in the map and it will go on cooldown
hint: look for a totem/post(or whatever it is called) with a cross on it.
Open your inventory, and use seal of space.
Uhhh, thanks for the replies guys. Where can i get the quest? @yodish92 what do you really man, I can’t seem to understand. @TomatoSkin where? @Lostac Do you mind to tell where exactly is that? Thanks!
if you do the tenet chappel quest line you get the seal of space after killing Gesti and entering the secret room to get a revelation
I forgot but looking at your map screenshot it’s probably on Flude Island
nah its to the right of shadow forest road
near the treasure chest with the novice necklace
@yodish92 So, when i get the seal of space, I just use it then I will just teleport to somewhere which will make the map to be fully explored?
@Lostac I don’t get what you mean dude.
So, as a conclusion, I have to get the seal of space, and use it, and go to the right of shadow forest road? @yodish92
search for the map in tosbase you should achieve enlightenment that you should not bother completing the map for now.
yep heres an SS for convenience, use the seal near that thing
if your in a map with one of these usng the seal while your not near it will make it go on cooldown, using on maps with no obelisks will do nothing
@yodish92 May I know what map is that? Thanks!
EDIT : Saw previous post, but the requirement to use it is doing the quest first?
What does “using on maps with no obelisks will do nothing” means? And also do you mind to teach me how to quote people’s reply?
right, my mistake.
seal of space should be a part of the main quest and you can’t miss it.
I started from Orsha and I’m currently doing Klapeida quest line. Orsha doesn’t have such quest right? @Lostac
obelisks are those things i circled, using the seal of space(right clicking on it from inventory) with NO obelisks on the map(that thing i circled) will make the seal of space not go on cooldown(become grayed out and time down)
to quote people highlight on the words in a post then right click and select quote
Alright! Thanks for the reply! What is the quest level?
lvl 48
follow the klaipeda quest line and you’ll get it eventually