Tree of Savior Forum

Can't even play the game optimization is so bad

I’m talking about all around.

  1. Spawn rates are so bad for monsters you can’t do quests. People wait around for spawn to happen and fight over a cycling 5 minutes spawn.

  2. Frame rate stuttering is terrible. I’m playing on a high end PC and I can’t even keep myself above 30 frames half the time. That’s on low setting and with other effects turned off. Rumors have told me that this game doesn’t even make use of GPU. That needs to be fixed “IF” true.

  3. Can’t speak to NPC’s because of lag. Sit there and wait for an NPC to talk to you for more than 3 minutes.

  4. Trading behind a pay wall? Are you kidding? And I don’t want to hear that it will stop silver spammers since that’s a HUGE issue right now and I can’t even use “All Messages” in chat because of the amount of spammers. Putting trading behind a paywall doesn’t stop silver selling, it just makes it an investment and a small one at that. Couldn’t you just word filter silver from global chat as a temporary fix?

  5. No choice of eye colors. Come on, even games 15 years ago had this.

  6. Dungeon lockouts are laughable. Twice a day? Really? Literally the most fun part of the game and we can’t do it because we’ll progress to fast or something? Why? “Now we don’t want ya’ll havin’ too much fun ya hear?” At least raise it to 5.

  7. Server Queue is broken. If you’re stuck in Queue you can just relog and go straight into the game.

  8. Game has issues randomly crashing. I don’t have an alternate for this one, it just needs to be fixed.

  9. Safety Zone + Deprotect Zone + Zaibas = Broken. I killed almost every boss up to level 38 in SECONDS. Not minutes, not half a minute. SECONDS.

  10. People sitting AFK are taking up server space. Place an AFK boot setting on the server.

Feel free to post in this thread and discuss any or all of the general problems there are with this game. Perhaps the project managers will look down and realize everyone is going to stop playing. Hell, just look at this feedback area. Almost EVERY post is about how terrible this is right now.


Seriously man, they’re like balancing the game around silver farmers with no trading, low spawn rates, but it just hurts the players. Instead of doing that crap, they should just ban accounts and players that do try selling silver for real money, which may be a bit harder for them but at least the players dont suffer and would be a lot happier and would probably spend more money on the game.Cuz i know for sure with all these issues you listed, and i’ve experienced them all, I’m not givin them another dime


You know, after it is released for free to play, it would be nice if it had free to play servers and paid servers like Ragnarok. That would keep gold spammers at bay at least a bit.

trading system rework

They need to remove the paywall entirely on basic features like trading and storage between characters on one account. This game is gonna consist of f2p people who will spend entirely just on cosmetics. I for one will quit if they do not remove the paywall on basic features on official release day. Almost all games that have a paywall on basic features have just died and disappeared.

Putting a paywall on any features that were default features in games like World of Warcraft or Everquest 10 years ago is like building a house out of straw in the arctic and wondering why no one wants to come over for dinner.


I’m positive you are not running on a high end PC. My PC is more mid range and my frames never dropped below 30 fps and that’s on high setting.

I’m not the only one with reports like this. Lots of people are having great frames on laptops but people with mid to high end PC’s are having their frames drop below 10 regularly. It’s not only me. Plus, what reason do I have to lie?

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I also have huge framedrops and incosistent perfomance, graphical or server side…

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My performance drops substantially. Its tied to the global gold spam, even if you disable the shout box completely your client still gets bombarded with the spam and for some reason text is causing a negative impact on the client.

I typically get 120-170~ fps with V-Sync off and no gold spammers, I jump to 20fps every few seconds when there is massive gold spamming active.

I’m running:
CPU: i7-6700k
GPU: Radeon 7970
Storage drive: Revodrive3 x2 PCI Express drive.

These issues and more. As far as we know, IMC could be taking our feedback and working on it.

That’s the problem, though. We don’t know. We don’t have any communication, official or otherwise, as to whether or not any work is being done to remedy the issues that the community feels as a whole.

That there are goldspammers trying to undermine the economy is bad enough. Due to the inferior chat filtering and reporting mechanics, those same goldspammers are impacting our ability to play the game (frame drops are real, people)

What really sucks? I like this game! I want it to succeed! Unless there are some serious changes in the way they act towards their players, though, I foresee it all falling apart.

EDIT: There’s an official announcement now for Klaipeda being down.

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