Tree of Savior Forum

Can't Do anything due to CommanderLoadFail

Hey, sure wish I could actually play this game without going every other map and d/cing because of this stupid CommanderLoadFail!

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Its even worst for me…I went to a map with 3 channels and they are all commander fail…Im literally stuck i cant play

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Same thing. Well i got to run around a bit by switching channels. Went to town to speak to wizard trainer aaand … commander fail . 2 channels with 0 people and both give same thing . so i gues my character is stranded

Same. I can’t enter any channel so I am stuck outside the game

I cant even get past the lodge.

me too, i cant play, 4 channels and all comanderloadfail u.u

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4 channles and all fail :sob:


i got same problem and it only 1 chn zzz

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Same, I was getting it every single time I had to go to another map, but changing the channel would let me play, now I got to a map where all channels are giving this error and can’t play.

Same here, as a matter of fact my characters are stuck now in the loading screen for the SERVER. Not even the game. I just cant login. And they did have an emergency mainteinance earlier last night. :disappointed_relieved:

Welp, I still wonder why would they even let us go in if they have so many issues with the server. I dont mind paying the 10 bucks even if i had to wait a little more.
(granted i still get a whole month of early access)
But this is getting a little infuriating. I dont understand how is it so hard to handle the servers. Wish i could help.

Nobody wins a fight against The Commander.

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I had that error message one time when trying to log in the game from the lodge. I tried changing channels and it allowed me to enter. I don’t know if it’ll resolve the issue for you at this time, but it’s worth a try.

great…i went to a map that there only ONE SINGLE CH…rip


I changed the map and the game falls when I try to log gave it CommanderLoadFail !!!i cant play now!!!

It seems this is due to some channels being unusable or broken had to quit my stream early because there is only 1 channel available on the map I’m currently in.

Well, I accidentally teleported to a map that has only one channel, and it’s Commander Load Fail. I guess this might be common in free to play games, since I don’t play them that often, but this is the buggiest game/servers I’ve ever seen.

Going to a map with 1 or 2 channels makes you eternally stuck in the void. So much fun right.

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I dont know what kind of thing they are going to do. But this is starting to get annoying.

Just like RO, everyone’s gone for the weekend so nothing will happen till Monday. How can you not run a MMO and not have staff for the weekend??