Tree of Savior Forum

Can't connect to server [SA] Silute

Same problem,cannot log with my all characters
Team Name:Incubus

TEMPORARY SOLUTION - SOLUÇÃO TEMPORÁRIA (worked for me and a few friends)

Well, I use AVAST antivirus, I don’t know how to do this in other antivirus program.

1 - Open the AVAST
2 - Select the second option (Tools)
3 - Select SecureLine VPN (This option should be the same, or, at least, similar in others antivirus programs).
4 - Select Change Location (or something close to it
 I use brazilian version)
5 - Select South America in the menu at the left side of the screen.
6 - Select SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil.
7 - Click the orange button with the “Connect” message.
8 - Good luck, you may open TOS now.
(I’m a complete amateur, I don’t know anything about VPN stuff, I’m just sharing information passed on to me).

1 - Abra o AVAST
2 - Selecione a segunda opção (Ferramentas)
3 - Selecione SecureLine VPN (Essa opção deve ser a mesma, ou, pelo menos, similar em outros programas anti-virus).
4 - Selecione Alterar Localização.
5 - Selecione South America no menu no lado esquerdo da tela.
6 - Selecione SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil.
7 - Clique no botão laranja com a mensagem “Conectar”.
8 - Boa sorte, vocĂȘ pode abrir o TOS agora.
(Eu sou um completo amador, eu não entendo nada sobre VPN, eu só tÎ dividindo a informação passada pra mim).

I just submitted another ticket, as they closed my previous on. Five days already and still cannot access the server. I paid for two DLCs, I paid for the game, I paid for the Token and I cannot play the game. This is beyond frustrating.

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I’m from Brazil and i can’t log in SA. Same problem as everyone else

A Solution???

We Hope So!! :smiley:

Same problem,cannot log with my all characters
Team Name: BTTT
Last location: Delmore Manor

Same probleeeeeeem here =(

It’s getting f***ing ridiculous already.
Kicked me out 3 hours ago, waited for the queue 3 times, all of them ended in me being driven back to the log in screen just when the queue ended.
Finally logged in with the char, changed 2 maps and got kicked out!

And looks like the weekend map deaths have cometh

Map: Feretory hills
Server: Siluet
Team Name: PraiseTheSun54

other map fked up

Map: Letas stream
Server: silute
Team Name: Crescent-cuy

Why they want us report if nobody answer us anyway?
I see a ton of topics like this but nobody have the clear answer for this problem

same problem.

BuSyBaNNEr family
Char Xoxoteira
(SA) Silute
i can’t log sice 5/15

the server is not working, stuck in character selection

I bought access package and can not use 

This connection problem makes it unfeasible to use the 60-day token I bought.
I tested with VPN and you can access the maps brake.
But VPN is paid 
 will be required to hire service to use game.
 I’ve spent R $ 90.00 in access , I end up doing or stop playing.