Tree of Savior Forum

Can't complete collections anymore?

Hey guys. I recently back to the game after many years, and noticed that some items don’t drop anymore.

So It is impossible to complete some collections now? Or there are other ways to do this?

For example, to complete the Vieat Gorge collection I just need one Loxodon Backbones, but this item don’t drop anymore… so have any idea about what to do?


Materials for collections of old orsha maps that got deleted can be found using fishing on orsha with the special fishing bait you can buy in the bucket near the orsha fishing pond.
Besides that there is several collections that items are really low drop rate, best bet to get them is doing field challenge modes on those maps with an adecuately low level char if the map allow field challenge mode (map level 100+) on lower level maps it is about farming for hours there for items with 0,01% drop rate.

I’m sure this item still drops, it’s just low drop rate. Loxodons are very uncommon on the map so it will take a lot of time to farm for the drop, but it’s still farmable.

Old collections (except a few “troll” ones in Royal Mausoleum side dungeon that require getting red/blue orbs at 0.02% drop rate from couple mobs that spawn every 10 minutes on huge maps) are quite easy to complete if you have a midlevel char and level 500+ assisters just by doing field CM. The problem is with new collections that have items with abysmal drop rate (probably less than 0.0001%) on maps with mobs having hundred of millions of hp that take forever to kill… and when you get a drop after months of farming, you have now to enhance it to +20 using the anvil/potential cancer system that require you to win a coin flip 15+ times in a row… basically this will never happen. Episode 15 has been out for ages now and I still have to see an item from the Ferret/Grasme collections (or the collection itself!) after killing millions of mobs on the corresponding maps.

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You can always try to pop challenge mode on the maps that u want for collection. This helped out a lot. It saved me multiple hours of farming 1 specific item that take ages to drop.

Beside from this, Orsha collection is only obtainable through fishing spot in Orsha city. Check the NPC!

People say fishing can get the old collections but that’s probably a load of ■■■■. I’ll believe Blue Vubbe Token exists when I get one myself.

Level 100 maps are a lot better nowadays.

However I believe Loxodon Bones come from a map that still exists and is under level 100. So it’s pretty tough. It’s actually harder than it’s ever been before.

You used to be able to an Oracle Diev build that would allow you to easily farm for mats like Loxodon Bones. However IMC has waged a war on fun, so unique stuff like that and Thaumaturge Swell Body, because of this what used to be a moderate difficulty, has become extremely hard. I mean it’s not Boruta Seal level hard, but way too hard to be worth grinding for such mediocre stats like 6 defense.

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Really? I just can’t find them in the adventure journal. For example, I search for a monster and there shows me the drop items, and I can’t find a lot of this items. Idk if something change in adventure journal, I just wnated to be sure that if I pass lot of time farming, this items will be drop sometime, even though the adventure journal says that dont drop anymore. Anyway, thank you so much for answer. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot. It helps so much, I didn’t know about this special fishing bait. I got one of this items that I needed. For the others, I’m still loking for a way to get them. Looking in the adventure journal I can’t find them, and don’t appear in the monster drop items list, so I think that don’t drop… :confused:

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