Tree of Savior Forum

Cannot decide which path pre Sorcerer

So iv established i would like to make a Sorcerer,finally leading to Warlock. but pre class have me in a dilemma.

Im thinking Wiz 3 looks good and was more inclined to go Linker before sorcerer, but a certain build that utilizes Psychokino prior to Sorcerer has caught my attention and it seems to work nicely.

But looking at that Build i see the lack of CC aside from Sleep, is that really enough ? it also does seems quite hard to land as you have to manually aim then cast it and the casting isnt really Instant. Also by not having linker class does this limit my party chances ?

What are you reccomendations having played and experinced this class so far.

Where does it excel at ?
And what would you have done differently to improve your build.

I currently have a wiz3 -> link -> sorc 2

Quick cast doesn’t seem to work with boss skills

Most of the time I don’t have time to use other non-sorc skills so keep that in mind.

Preferably, you’d want to use less skills because of the mana drain, from personal experience. I’ve been hesitating even using magic missle just because of the mana costs.

Link has been very useful to guide my summons.

Wiz 3 is an optional choice if you want to be a DPS build in the future. (can go pyro or cryo if you want)

Link works with desmos because its earth property for some reason. if you’re planning to go sorc c3

You could go with the more classic Pyro-linker route

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer 2 > Warlock

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer > Necromancer > Warlock

Wiz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer 3

Wiz > Cryo 3 > Sorcerer 3

Wiz > Pyro 3 > Sorcerer 3

Wiz > Pyro/Cryo 1/2 > Linker 1/2 > Sorcerer 3

Hello! I was going to reply to this thread but my post got really long so I just decided to post it in a different topic.

It’s a Sorcerer - Kino build but it doesn’t make use of Warlock or Wiz3.

Which of those work in both PvP and PvE .
I had heard pyro skills scales badly late game?

As for linkers does the binding skill work on 1 target ? I cant see how useful linkers are aside from group fights .


Yes, 90% of this game is group fighting, even many bosses have their own mobs. Even PvP has more than one target and generaly some statues or things you can link. Linker is a very good class to be honest.

For sorcerer it helps him reach monsters he would not because he is sort of stupid. Learning how to really control him takes time but HK is awesome for mob positioning for any skills.

Wiz 3 > Warlock is a very good combination because of Theurge + QC, Familiar adds 10 hits to this combination and Link allows you to multiply it for close targets. That’s good at both PvE and PvP. Summoning is a very good DPS addition to any build, does good damage on both PvE but especially PvP if you position it well. Rapid-shot can 1-shot dudes.

Cryo 3 is very good too because CC rules PvP, I just haven’t played it but I assume Frost Pillar > Rapidshot + Familiar is their PvP nuke, might have Warlock for Theurge and Pole of Agony.

Sorc 2 itself is a very solid PvP and PvE combination, you just have to learn how to play it.

I see. And what about wiz 3 is it worth getting quick cast or is it optional ?..

What skill rotation do u use in pvp or pve …might help me get a better understanding .


I edited the post above and was writing before you replied, I think I answered it.

Wiz 3 if you want to be a nuke on whatever PvP or PvE.

Cryo 3 or Pyro 3 if you want to be utility CC/DPS on whatever PvP or PvE.

Sorcerer doesn’t really need Link if you can make templeshooter hit all targets since AoE is not multiplied. Warlock does.

Cryo3 would be very useful in parties, at the same time, the CC would let your summon target mobs easily.

Cryo1>Linker2 allows you and your summon to kill mobs faster. Damage sharing is irrelevant if you are only getting Linker C1.

Wiz3 has no synergy with Sorc. Summons rely on INT, not magic damage.

Thanks for the replies.

I Suppose each has his own style then.
How does Pyro damage scale late game ?

Overall Cyro2 / Pyro2 / wiz 3>Linker1, there is no definite better path here is there ?

@Crossfall allows you and your summon to kill mobs faster. Damage sharing is irrelevant if you are only getting Linker C1.

I dont quite get this sentence, what does Linker 2 add to the table here ?

Sorry. Not really irrelevant to share damage to 5 mobs but since the cooldown was nerfed from 15 to 22 seconds, it would be better to mob more than 5 monsters (8 mobs at C2) during party play.

But it’s really up to you. Sorc has good buff, but with linker2, you have better utility in parties.

the question seems to be here,
wiz 1> cyro 3 > sorc 2 > warlock, doesn’t really require a linker correct ?
But what if u went Cyro 2 or pyro 2 > linker 1 > sorc 2 > warlock is going C2 cyro / pyro still worth it or does it lack what the class offers at c3.

Its really hard coming up with solid build when you cant really test things beforehand ><

I treat all chars below R5 as test chars. I’ve rerolled so many times just because I tried to follow what most people are saying. Lol.

Suggestion: You can make an R3 char in just two hours. I suggest you try Cryo1/Pyro1>Linker1. If you feel like you need more links, go Link2 by R4. If you want more damage, go Cryo2/Pyro2. :slight_smile:

yea but is cyro 2 / pyro 2 viable late game or will i just not use the skills at all ?

I guess not. Cryo3 is more viable late game because of CC. And people said Pyro3 is already buffed in ktos.

But what do you mean by late game? Is that R6>R7 or future ranks? Because I would always believe that getting utility and support classes in early ranks would future-proof your character.

Btw, my current build is Wiz1>Pyro1>Link2>Sorc1. There’s really not much diff if you get pyro1 or cryo1. You can still easily kill monsters until around 130 with C1 classes of those.

i ment more like after level 200+, if i wont be using those skills by then i might as well head into Wiz 3, at least then it has good synergy with Warlock and perhaps future rank 8 / 9 ?

Well, yeah. Wiz3 will always have good synergy with DPS classes. But by then, your Summoning would become less useful.

Edit: Summon Servant is very useful though. Forget synergy. I’m still contemplating on getting Link3 and go full support instead of Sorc2 at Rank 6.

There is also


This one relies completely in Summoning for damage with a bit of supporting(Freeze/enchant fire + link + fap hand) and works better with a cleric because of transpose.

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I just have one thing to tweak here. I’ve pvped a few times, and unfortunately without rooting someone, Frost Pillar is something anyone can just walk out of. So pulling off a Frost > Multi (Temple I assume?) is a little harder to do unless you freeze them.

To clarify, it’s not that the tree doesnt freeze people, for some reason the pull just doesnt work that well on players. If they just move in a straight line they’ll get out of it xD A swordie can just dash right out too.