Tree of Savior Forum

Cannoneer Circle 2

can you use your other skills while on bazooka?

Did you not bother reading up on the cannoneer before asking questions?

no you can’t same goes for kneeling shot, only cannon skills are allowed.

My qs3 cannoneer 275, without kneeling, with crappy equips got firsts and 2th places at mercenary and the new 260’s dg against PDs, Pyros and stuff. Comparing to before the att, yes it is a huge buff in my point of vew. I was always getting 4th at dps check.
Bazooka is close to useless. If, in my case, i use smoke grenade+circuling combo and activate bazooka, well, all the preparation was for nothing. FOR NOW, it takes too much time to get read to fire aaaand to leave the position.
Anyways, I’m having a lot more fun then before. 50K crit at lv 6 cannon blast, with critt cannon, no gems anywehre, attribute at level 30. So yeah, its cool. Real cool

You know you jump to leave [bazooka] right?

you really took this from all what i’ve said?
Yes i do know that but its a slower response then kneeling. But its not that bad, but kind of stressing when you see 5 mobs stomping you and you, with 30 con, unable to leave the position fast as you usually do heh’

You sure about that? Cause I have a level 2 Bazooka, and it boosts my Cannon Blast from 70k crit to around 90k. Gonna try it max after I get the skill reset from the event rewards.

Well you did open that paragraph with “Bazooka is close to useless”. I mean c’mon, you’re bashing the skill for doing exactly what everyone expected it to do: lock you to cannon skills and make you immobile for double skill AAR and 50% more damage. Then here you go about saying it’s stressing to not be prepared for the consequences of paying the skill’s price.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I still have some time to decide if I wanna “suffer” like you or gamble with [growling] for a cannoneer.

gamble with growling!!! be a Hunter hahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

ok i was wrong you were right be happy with your victory. You use it i wont. Good

Duck Hunt RP. Can I shoot my battle bird out instead of cannon balls?

i guess i got too used to the qs3 mobility, and when i cant hit the mobs that are close to me… in my case, i do think that bazooka is useless (:

If you’re using Bazooka for the purpose of using Normal Attack Only, especially w/ the recent changes w/ Bazooka, then it’s not the skill that’s wrong but it’s your gameplay.

i got it now. Ill impruve my gameplay from now on. i expressed myself in a wrong way. Bazoka is useless when, while you are activating it, your party members alredy killed all the roon on a dangeun, Its useless cus you can kill, at my level, mobs without it, optimizing your time. Its useless when you use circuling+smoke and when you are alone. In these situations, which are the ones that i experienced, i belive its not worth tthe time and loss of monility that you pay. Sorry for the lack of exemples. My bad

thanks for opening my eyes guys ^^ after this discussion, i think that cannoneer got even better

If the player uses Bazooka on each every enemy he sees, even when he can kill the enemy w/out using it, then the player using it is the one who’s wrong. Each skill has it uses and when and where to use it. Would you use Cannon Blast on a single enemy w/ low HP pool when you can 1 shot it w/ Oblique Shot? With some thinking,you can see that the use of Bazooka is for prolonged and static battles. You are calling a skill uses just because it doesn’t fit your gameplay.

thats what i said… once i dont use it YET, it is a useless key FOR NOW. I dont see yout comment being usefull :confused:

Yes cause your comments are very helpful especially this one.

Yeah +50% damage of Bazooka is useless especially on Bosses w/ 100M+ HP Pool.

you are totally right :smiley:

if only that was possible, at least you get free hit, you can bazooka all you want after luring them to pet hahaha