Tree of Savior Forum

Cancelling support tickets

Hello so I read on facebook we can get a refund if we paid to get a team name change so since I bought one I was hoping to get the refund. When submitting my ticket I clicked on the team name change tab thinking that that was the category it was under. This sent in the ticket to change my team name and I really don’t want to change it since I paid for this name!!! You guys need to allow us to cancel our submitted tickets or at least add edits please. I’m hoping you guys receive my second ticket I sent immediately afterwards that explains this.
@STAFF_John @Staff_Julie please help me

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I submitted a support ticket when my character leveled up but didn’t give me a stat. I continued to play her today and received my missing stat when I leveled up again. I would also like to cancel/ close my support ticket since it has fixed itself.