Tree of Savior Forum

Can you use Cloaking THEN mount the penguin?

I think i will make a fletcher in the future, the plan is A2>R1>SC1>FL3

The main reason i want to go Scout is for +5 move speed of Cloaking, but with penguin mount +4 move speed (right ? haven’t use a non-cata mount) then if i can’t use the mount and Cloaking together, Scout is useless

Can someone confirm if it can be use together ?

They don’t work together.

If you use cloak, then mount, it’ll cancel the cloak.
If you use mount, then cloak, it’ll cancel the mount.

iirc mount is +3 movement speed.

and cloak cancel everytime you change altitude, change equip, doing dmg and getting hit. so yeah, it will cancel if you mount something. and it will demount you if you cast cloak.

So Cloaking only have 2 more move speed than mount, does that mean Scout c1 is … useless and should not be recommend for new Fletcher ? And is Wugushi c1 is good at rank 4 for Fletcher ?

The reason people play fletcher is to hunt bosses. Don’t expect to be AoE king. When you are hunting a worldboss or dungeon rushing, mobs will attack you. Scout provides the needed safety through camouflage + movement speed (to find the worldboss faster).

I don’t recommend wugushi1, since it has weak poisons (low duration, low scaling).
