Tree of Savior Forum

Can we please tone down the knockback mechanic?

Really, I don’t know how I don’t see everyone complaining about this. Everything in this game knocks you down. But it’s not just that. The “flying through the air and bouncing three times on the floor before regaining control of my character” is ridiculously unacceptably long. So long in fact, that​ you have a split second to get out of the way before the monster attacks again and knocks you back down.

It’s not rare to be caught in a knockback combo when you are near to wall or something. I have been knocked back chained to the death by a lot of bosses, and these are just from the top of my head:

Demon Lord Zauras in the main quest in Seir Rainforest;
Poata in Mercenary Post;
Golem in Mercenary Post;
Carapace in Mercenary Post;
Cyclops in Mercenary Post;
Harpeia, Tomblord, Achat, Minotaur in Saalus;
a freaking pack of dogs in Mage Tower.

I don’t want it removed altogether, but it’s just too much right now. It does not make the monster harder. It makes them cheap and frustrating.


Wait till you reach the 290 dg :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I have 3 300+ chars, I know what you mean by those ■■■■■■■ fire wizards

Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, it is too hard for us to code an invulnerability buff against knockback that lasts for a few seconds after being knocked down. The same goes for freezing too. We advise you to suck it up and deal with it until we can implement knockback invulnerability as Token benefit. Thank you for your continuous support!


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I’m with you. The balance update will be reducing at least the normal mobs CC, so no random packs of dogs knocking you down anymore. But I see the reduction in CC as a negative because IMC could be utilising it as a feature, instead it’s just an annoyance. For short term, a reduction is good, just make it bearable for now at least, but long term I want them to implement an actual CC system. It could rely on timers, or an overhaul of the current CC and Status Effect resistance system, either way it has the potential to add another layer to the game.

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The thing that’s annoying in knockdown and knockback mechanics is not so much the effect but the way the A.I. utilizes those skills.

The most annoying thing is when you put e.g. a magic circle under one of these enemies and they knock you back and directly follow after you.
I believe knockbacks/knockdowns should be comboed with ranged attacks and not just result in knockback->chase->knockback->chase->etc. -chains, which makes the enemy easy due to it losing time to damage you while you gain time to recover.

Meanwhile,gg for your melee party members who have to chase that monster around until they end up in a corner…


I was soloing my kino2alch up to r8 and uh. i don’t expect things to be easy with my build but it was impossible to cast magic missle or PP because literally every. every every single boss attack knocked me down for an extended period. The fight(s) wasn’t hard even in terms of what it was, i barely took much damage, but the whole fight was me trying to cast my only two boss effective skills and getting knocked down every time and waiting to get back up so i could try kiting and failing again. I’ve actually never rolled my eyes at a combat mechanic so much, because there was no way to avoid it and use my skills lmao.

I’m okay with it in missions since those are easily dodgeable and you can essentially still keep the boss in place, even as an archer. but the faster quest bosses and whatnot are horrible.

I’m one to say “party up if it’s hard” but this aint hard this is just annoying

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Bumpity booty


until they remove “Pain barrier”

So… No

I think i read in a topic (cant remember which one) a part of the upcoming rebalance updates is that many normal mobs wont push/knockback players around so much anymore.

But the problem is not regular mobs, it’s that this is constant for all bosses.

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