Tree of Savior Forum

Can we have more hidden interactions between classes please? + Necrokino rant

I always liked how Kino can blast Icewalls for some crazy damage if pulled off properly.

And I feel like the idea of such combos existing at all is mindblowing. But the issue is that I can hardly think of any other ones…

Fireballs used to have a bunch of them (including kino PP, linkers JP…), but those don’t work anymore after Fireballs have changed.

I guess there is the whole Sage atributes thing, where Sages can clone balls/FP and expand magic circles (I have a Cryo3Pyro3Sage and it’s so damn fun)… but all of that intended synergy is so ridiculously underwhelming that I can’t even fathom why that was like the thing Sage was marketed for in the beginning lol.

Not just that there aren’t many other combos… I find it really weird that even when you have something as simple as “PP can blast objects to produce interesting results”, it’s not consistent for the obvious cases.

Like… I have a Psychokino3-Necromancer3. Necro3 gets an attribute for the Dirty pole to throw off projectiles like Ice wall when meleed. You can see where I’m going with this, right?
I was expecting to be able to PP my Dirty Pole, making funny jokes about that and showing off this combo that no one even knows existed. But using PP on the pole does nothing. LOL

And no, it’s not like I made the whole character based on the premise of PPing my Dirty pole, I love the build either way… it’s just…

Why wouldn’t it work like Ice wall? I don’t get it xD
You don’t even get more than one tile with pole.

Heck, if I’m not mistaken, Dirty Pole was originally “Dirty Wall” and worked exactly like Ice wall in how it’s casted etc.

So… minor unimportant suggestion from a Necro-fan who didn’t make one for some AFKing nonsense, but from a legit appreciation of the class:
Can we have PP-DirtyPole combo being a thing pls?


I heard that Necrokino has this synergy of crashing people in TBL.

On serious note I do agree with your idea, Wizard does need a legit way of releasing the corruption fragments from dirty pole, not by only going stabby stabby.

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I don’t get why ice wall seems like the only skill in game that truly has combos with other skills. It’s not a combo with Kino only, but also other classes (like Inquisitor’s wheel triggers the wall and pew pews lazily), so why it doesn’t work like that with other classes/skills ? :confused:
Even Miko’s Clap which increases the duration of some magic circles only work on two classes’ skills: Diev and Chaplain. It increases all the Diev statues (making it basically Diev 4), and Deploy Capella. I don’t get why it doesn’t work with more skills… ? Like Cryo’s Frost Tree, or other things that don’t get destroyed too fast.
It’d be so much more fun if we had more combos~
Of course, I don’t mean “must have” combos that make you have to take A class if you also chose to take B class, but just extra fun combos that create interesting synergies.

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IIRC Inquisitor Wheel triggers Dirty Pole fragments as well, as the skill the physical. It’s just that PP doesn’t work :frowning:

TOS surely needs more interactions, even if they are added artificially through attributes.

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