Tree of Savior Forum

Can someone give me a light, please? '-'

I’m coming back after 2 years, so much thing changed, I’m just clueless.
I’ve started a Wizard. Aiming for Ele3, I’ve gone Wiz3>Ele3.
But I really don’t know how to continue this…
I’ve seen some builds that go like Ele3>War3 or Ele3>FF3
Must be OP, but I don’t like Warlock nor Featherfoot…
On the other hand, I really like Sorcerer and Necromancer
Is there any viable build to put one or another? Can it be good? How should I invest my status (I know that summons dmg are based on SPR, kinda goes off the Ele3 high INT build, right?)?
I thought something like: Wiz3>Ele3>Sor2>Dunno
** Wiz3>Ele3>Necro3**
Is it any good?
Obs.: I’ve found a “similar” build here

Obs2.: I have no interest in PvP, only PvE

you can go W3-ele3-Sorc1-SM2/sage2

you can let your summon do what they want and cast your magics.

What do you like to do ?
Are you not interested in classes that could increase your own damages with buffs (Like Thaum 2), or Shadowmancer ? There’s also Onmyouji that will eventually be released.
You also aren’t interested in the other classes, like Kino, Sage, Rune Caster ?

The minions’ damages will be affected by your SPR, so I wouldn’t recommend mixing your pure INT-DPS build and a minion build, unless you take only one circle as a filler, like @Naght suggested. Your minion side won’t bring as much as it could, so it would pretty much be a “waste” of circles.

I see…
Well, not sure I like Thaum and Kino…
As for Shadowmancer, I’d have to fill rank 7, right? Maybe Rune Caster?
And what about wiz3>ele3>RC>Sage2?

Also, is Rune Caster actually a good pick?
As for the stats, those builds have a high SP cost? (The sage one a dude was saying to go full INT, idk…)

Wiz3>Ele3>RC>Sage2 is a pretty ok pick. Problem you might have with that build is that a combination of RC+Sage, you have a lot of skills to cast but not packing as much of a punch as compared to WL3 for instance.

Furthermore, rune of destruction, rune of justice, micro dimension and dimension compression all have overheats 2/3. This might mean that you may not be able to efficiently utilise all the skills that you have, considering you also have ele3 skills to spam. Reason why WL3 is good is because the CD is relatively good, and the skills pack a punch.

But it is ok to go for RC+Sage. Just that it might not be as efficient. You still get other nice additions such as exploring as a giant, portal+portal shop, missile hole etc. Rune of Ice boost damage of hail and freezing sphere as well. Ultimate dimension and dimension compression are high damage skills as well. SP cost wise, it is not as hungry as shadowmancer, since ele3 SP cost is low, and sage2 SP cost is only slightly higher than WL3.

sorc1>shadow2 or sorc1>omnyogi2 (SOON) but u wil l have many skill to handle :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: u can go pyro2 too if u want or sage 2 :slight_smile:

Well, ELE3 got some long CDs, and it looks like the best spells from WL3 are like that as well… The rotation will not be lacking spells? ‘-’

As for Onmyoji, is it r9 or hidden r8?
Not sure if I want to compromise r10…
But in case, what should I pick to fill r7 (and r8 if it is r9)?

no, omni will be normal class with 3 circles, after balance patch ele skill cd’s are much shorter and electorcute has 4 OH :slight_smile: with wizard3 skills is really hard to have time to use more skills thats why imo this setup with omni can be hard to play :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (too many skills to use with short cd)

you can go for sage and use micro dimension on the bats

onmyo unlocks at rank 8 like shadowmancer though

The thing is ele3 CD isn’t that high, its moderately high. Plus meteor (40 cd) have 2 overheat and electrocute have 4 overheat (35 cd). WL3 pairs nicely because there isn’t a lot of skills and the rotation is good enough, whereas pairing them with 2 new classes namely RC and Sage2 might be a bit of an overkill. For WL3, using dark theurge + drain = 30 seconds to damage boost. By the time you spam finish all your Ele3 and WL3 skills, most of the 3x to 4x cd skills would be close to off CD and you can repeat your combo.

If you want to pick Onmyoji, that would be even more skills to juggle because Onmyoji has many skills with high overheat. It would be even more ineffective than Sage2

Onmyouji is R8. From now on, all the newly added classes will be added as a rank 8 class (except if they’re hidden, of course).
Usually your rotation won’t be lacking spells because you will kill fast enough, and you’ll have enough skills. I mean if you got no weapon, sure, you’ll need 6 skills to kill a group of mobs so you’d be lacking, but normally all the overheats are enough.
That’s part of why a lot of people go for boosting classes or boosting+extra damages (or CC) classes. Rather than having so many skills you won’t be able to use them all, you boost the ones you already have.