Tree of Savior Forum

Can i report people for rushing dungeon?

auto kick idle players or put a kick vote, problem solved. lol

soo many great idea, IMC choice to make new item shop


The problem of kick vote, is that the run will still certainly count,
and people may end up being kicked unfairly.
Like, a person is playing with his party, and then automatches and joins
2 more people, after entering the run, the leader starts a voting to kick the
other two members, since the leader party have a bigger number of players
than the newly joined players, the will end up being kicked by “fair voting”.

ill be fcking happy if IMC implement a system that they need to kill all mobs before entering the boss area similar to dungeon 140 in forest of prayers

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Thanks for the inspiration, guys (and other guys from other threads of the same type too).