Tree of Savior Forum

Can Alchemist craft pots while he is afk?

I would like to know that before make one. Can he?

You can queue to make pots, each quantity you put on the window is 5 pots (1 = 5, 2 = 10 and so on), you can set a number and leave him there doing it no problem, the only thing is, with the way they changed the skill animation now, it is a small chance that it will do all the batch you put till the end, it is buggy and sometimes it only do 1 batch and stop, it is freaking annoying even when you are not AFKing, they should had let it the way it was on iCBT, a continuous loop animation and full time counting (each batch is 20 seconds, so if you put 3 batches to be made it would do 1 min).

Now we have to deal with the sudden stops.

IMC change the most stupid stuff (the animation) and end up breaking a skill lol.


No because in iCBT, when client dced, you lost all your crafts.
What they should do is just fix the batch bug. Though I haven’t encountered it theses past days…

Never had that, all the time, specially when i was doing 800+ pots never got that problem. I don’t remember people complaining about it either.

Now, 90% of the time, it stop, and i have to keep an eye on it because of that.

As stated above, you can que for 900 pots; but it is highly unlikely that it can finish.

bulk crafting is buggy, and re-initiates the craft process everytime it finished 1. Hence, most batch crafts stops at 2 or 3. Unless you have a really stable/ping/latency connection with the server at non-peak server hours.

As such, most of us alchemist craft at a designated time only.

PS: If your client dc’s you wont lose all your crafts. Since, it re-initiates the craft after every finished one. Hence before it was 1 really long craft, now its many short crafts.