Tree of Savior Forum

Camera not following character

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time : 4/9/16 5AM

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : I was on Gamepad, Friend was on Mouse

Bug Description :
Game went to a cut scene for the boss. Friend and I were partied up and the boss didn’t initially show up after the cut scene. After the cut Scene my screen was locked as shown in the image below. Friend’s screen was fine, though hers locked on my character when we fought the golem.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Party up with friend
  2. Go find boss monster with cut scene
  3. Kill the boss

Screenshots / Video


  • CPU : Intel i7 3.2 Ghz
  • RAM : 16gb
  • Graphics Card : Nvidia GTX970
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage : 1tb sata drive
  • OS : Windows 7
  • Internet Connection : ATT UVerse 20mb
  • Country, Region : USA

20Gb of internet conection? WOWWWW

Thank you for pointing out the typo… I typed that up at around 6 am if I remember right. Got off of work and decided to run around on ToS all night

Man, I actually believed it LOL

Thank you for bringing this to us. We will forward this to our development team as soon as possible. Thank you!

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Man I wish I had a 20gb internet connection. Best I might be able to get is Google Fiber as they are supposed to be coming to the area in a year or so.

Same shing here, the camera start to follow my party friend instead of me after kill the Molich boss at Gateway of Great King.

Server: Orsha
Team Name: Nev
Character Name: Great
Game control mode: Keyboard
System: Windows XP