Tree of Savior Forum

Calling out all Clover, Futureproof and CutenotLewd

If Bloodletting and Dispellers nullify poison, how does a RMT’ing Plague Doctor die to a Wugushi?


Pixel drama. Adorable.

Brutal kirito, so basically your post is just complaining on that certain guilds/players are spreading rumours of you guys exploiting; then asking for everyone to not be so toxic?

Yet the very next thing you follow up on is a personal attack on 7th? Lol, so hypocritical.

Also, if you guys arent actually abusing any exploits, then who cares about “rumours” said otherwise, you guys know youre innocent and wont be ban, so there isnt even anything to worry about in the first place.


And yet the same hypocrites accusing us are all harsh abusers of economy-based exploits. Infinite soul stone usage with squire tent, and 400k++ HP “Afk necro” who’s pet one shots. Let’s just hope their abuse didn’t leave gvg/bee farm and wasn’t put to use for something like leveling or killing high-end mobs.

Also, it was quite funny how as soon as Korasai announced I am not using Spectra in any gvg they have encountered, he gets removed from Futureproof. Classic Lolipan move right there. It’s just shameful that 7 guilds are struggling to compete with one. Once Guilty Crown stepped in on Futureproof, there was no chance.

I wasn’t removed from FP, stop trying so hard.

This is a classic case of shitters getting BTFOd so hard they have to resort to calling hacks. You and your guildmates are pathetic.

Holy ■■■■, it’s too early here for guild drama but this is some good ■■■■.


People are running in damn circles in this thread.
Accusations are thrown around left and right.

I think its best to stop and see if IMC is willing to sort this out.
By continuing this circlejerk you’re all part of the problem.

Your agitation states otherwise. What is really pathetic is posting my picture on 4chan to seek attention, and then on here. As if my looks are relevant to this debate. I’m happily married, so I don’t really care what some desperate attention seeker has to say about my looks. These actions really show a strong leader and how much of a man he actually is.

Useless MMO Drama is always fun to watch.

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I haven’t posted your picture on 4chan, I still like you and aCh, albeit much less. I was in an ET static with you two ffs, I regarded you and much of Desu as my friends.

The reason I’m agitated is because I’ve realized Desu is scum. When I quit ToS two months ago, Desu didn’t exist and most of you weren’t even level 200. I came back two weeks ago, and through levelling up and doing other content I met some Desu players, and some of the friends I had before I quit are now in Desu as well. I’ve advocated for your guild’s innocence through all of this and continue to do so.

Then we went to war, and guess what? You all start trash talking, being rude, spamming, remove me from friends lists, and insult me when I thought I was your friend all because I’m killing all of you in PvP. That was fine though, I figured after the war was over everything would be back to how it was before. Now you come and accuse me of exploiting when I’ve been defending you from countless accusations of your own guild exploiting? I realized why the server hates your guild. It’s not because you guys cheat or anything, it’s because all of your personalities are trash. I thought only Kirito was an ■■■■■■■ but it turns out all of you are. Birds of a feather flock together Nulight, that’s why I’m upset.

I don’t really care about you thinking I exploit because I know I’m innocent, you need to be in a party with a squire to pull off that exploit and half the time I’m out doing GvG I’m solo, and when I am in a party there is never a squire. I’m just really disappointed. I’m not going to accuse you guys of exploiting, but I do know you guys are terrible people. I guess I’ve finally been caught up on the Klaipeda community since I left now, it all adds up.


Youre literally only replying to like 2 people, I dont think its fair to generalize.

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If Bloodletting and Dispellers nullify poison, how does a RMT’ing Plague Doctor die to a Wugushi?

this post made my day

Uhm, how is it possible that the Thauma had over 400k HP? Additionally, why doesn’t the buff icon for Transpose show? Is that a visual bug?

they are just saying that ur guild is part of the thrash talkers lol, but like other posts says, everyone knows that desu people are douchebags

Welp, after some research I was quite surprised no one flipped out seeing the Thauma having ridiculous amounts of HP but as it turns out it’s common knowledge and ironically being turned a blind eye on? I get that some members (I know for sure not all) may be unsavory but isn’t it getting a bit out of hand with all the concentrated attacks on one guild?

So far OP has shown concrete evidence on one player abusing the Thauma bug in the open. The rest I haven’t looked into so I can’t say for sure. Then finally showed how they are being ridiculed and bullied in shout. I mean, I get it if people have bad blood with them but if we’re going to use exploits and whatnot as an excuse to crucify and ridicule them, why not do that to the others proven to exploit as well?

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