Tree of Savior Forum

Call to Action [Serious]

Fanboy & White Knight?

Sorry the game is flawed and needs a lot of work, its pretty disgraceful. My issue is with the completely entitled actions of the user base acting like this is some major world issue and we have to RISE UP AND FIGHT!!

No, there is more than enough criticism all over the internet about this game. IMC is aware there are issues they just have no ■■■■■■■ clue where to start. The bad press, reviews and feedback on steam is all they need to see people aren’t satisfied and against popular belief the feedback on the forums and reddit etc does get viewed and taken into consideration. Spamming them with emails and other bullshit is going to do nothing but hinder the game and the whole entitled approach you all take is infuriating.

No one is taking it as some major world issue…I really think you’re overreacting yourself.

We have the same general opinion,the game needs work.But don’t agree on how they should go about it.You know what? That’s fine.I think agreeing to disagree is fine,and I don’t know why it infuriates you so much.Not everyone is going to feel the same way.

We were only made aware of this fact today,when Kim answered personally to another topic here in the forums.Before,we had every reason to believe otherwise as no changes were confirmed and no answers were given about some stuff he cleared up.In case you didn’t notice,this topic is 4 days old and the topic was trying to get them to say something about the inattention we had felt around here lately.Hopefully it changes from this point forward.

I’m sorry you see it as entitled.I didn’t spout on about how I put funds into this game or put all this time in and so we absolutely have to have answers,not at all.It was out of concern as someone who cares about the game,and if you look at any of the posted messages,none of them are screaming about that.They are all nicely asking for a little more attention to be put into the forum,but again,this was 4 days ago.Again,here’s to it hopefully being different now.

Haha I probably shouldn’t.

I think it’s for the best.It’s too late in to take the game down,which I think would be better,but this is a good compromise to prevent exacerbation of the issues we already have.I actually like this announcement more than Kim’s response,so I hope they keep up with it and the next maintenance actually has a little more to it.

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Her pic reminds me of…cough…zoe…cough tan…

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…yup sounds just about right…

Judging from the non constructive posts he/she/it …(Thailand has a lot of tran boys) makes…most prob a kid …

prob around 12-15? i guess…

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glad we agree on sumthing then =)

Here have a like… if it helps to calm u down

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So…our prayers to the goddesses and their envoys are answered?

Holy- They seem to be doing it. They’re running it back, they’re learning.

My body is ready.

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Lately I’ve been talking to that achievement girl NPC and somehow even if I did the monster kill count and 100% map cleared. I she doesnt give anything. Should I post it here and compiled known issues or post it in another thread?

I hope at least they elaborate on how we can communicate with the CM, and how the forums will be better moderated, etc.

quietly chants “please don’t be a vindictive asshat like Oda, please don’t be a vindictive asshat like Oda” repeatedly

This is, considering the time Kim replied and the number of announcements we’ve seen since, amazing progress.

Although I still have an edge of skepticism, I think we definitely have reason to celebrate. Hopefully this means an amazing future for the game!

Edit: Sorry I was absent yesterday, was taking care of a bunch of things in real life.


Feedback and Communication from the Staff Are Insufficient

From now on, we will have a regular Q&A time with the Dev Team based on the opinions from you, the users. Also, a CM will gather up questions raised on the forum and forward them to the Dev Team and provide our users with answers.

hello CM in question I love you

I do agree, excellent announcements by IMC btw. Regular Q&A and CM finally~~

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People rioting in the Forums isn’t enough for a feedback? Now they’re doing a Q/A? what were they doing these past few months sleeping? weren’t they aware of what people are complaining.This is so stupid.

No i think its that people want imc to communicate more so they are trying to do that.

Work took over my life so I was busy for a bit but I saw the announcement.

It’s a good step in the right direction, but I’m still planning to make sure they follow this new plan. I’m worried that the first few times they’ll get discouraged by all the hate that’s been left rampant and unchecked for a while.

Being more active is always a good thing, but I just worry that they’ll get a ton of push back no matter what they do because as far as I’ve seen, they haven’t been trying to keep the forums in line. There’s a lot of people on here that will probably just spam and flame them because they feel invincible. I’ll get my flags ready for such an occasion. x’D

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