Tree of Savior Forum

Cabal 2 open beta today

Hi everyone, i just saw this game opens beta today, looks cool and uses CryENGINE® 3.

I think it’s going to be my hobby while i wait for tree of savior.

You can join from here.

If any of you has already tested the game, please leave a comment with your opinions!

I did test it during the CBT and tbh I had fun for the first hours, but it’s not CABAL anymore, just another copy n paste MMORPG, didn’t feel like CABAL at all and I heard the same opinion from a lot of people, mb they changed some things since then but I’d not expect it.
Just felt like I was playing any other MMORPG but with CABAL’s lore.

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ah… cabal @_@

happy gaming guys =V my pc will burst into flames if i tryed playing it… literary


You probably need to find yourself another computer, and make sure the fan works next time… and maybe not spill milk on the keyboard… and maybe turn it off when it reaches heat equal to the surface of the sun xD

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it hasnt happend yet… but as soon as i try it… ull get the picture XD

well, although my room is messy, i keep my pc mentained ><"
and nope, i cant aford a new pc… im already using a 2nd hand pc =V yet alone to buy a new one? >
< no thanks

I better get a picture, I whanna see that picture haha

=V well not a pc… but yeah this may look like that


Do you hear that?


It’s the sound of not-being-censored-because-it’s-a-different-game!


Lol, I haven’t tried Cabal 2 myself, but it doesn’t really appeal to me as much as Cabal 1 did.

Now if I had anything else to play while waiting for ToS that’d be great :cry:

Ah the freedom of speech :3. Don’t see that often in mmo forums.

im playing too while waiting in ToS. :smile:

Cabal 2 is literally going to be a “something to do” Whilst I wait for the ToS beta and Blade & Soul which is a “something to do” whilst I wait for this game to go full release…

Well I played about 3 hours of Cabal 2 and my own personal verdict is as 5/10…

A completely mediocre game it seems (at-least for the early game stuff)… Moving from quest to quest, too much text to bother reading it all, and most of it doesn’t even pertain to the main story. Talk to guy --> Talk to next guy --> Kill 10 monsters --> get reward —> Talk to guy, repeat until next dungeon. Graphics are good, pretty standard for this era of gaming though. It’s no Black Desert Online or even Blade and Soul, and it’s not stylised enough to compare to aura kingdom. The combat is basic, press comba A button, spam combo B then C button, and stay alive, repeat. No real thought required… even the bosses are pretty easy to 1v1 early game. Only time I came close to dying was when the mob got to about 10 and I had to run for my life. If your looking to kill time, and want a bit of sex appeal, but don’t want to play Scarlett blade just in case your parents walk in on you, Cabal 2 is a pretty easy time killer.

Side Note: Load of people have been having trouble to download/install and run the damn game, took me the best part of an evening to get the thing working on my computer. Turned out my tablet being plugged for some random reason wouldn’t let the client run haha.


this character selection screen is very similar to Aion…

The sound effects are similar

and skill icons… this explains everything

I have being playing the game also this afternoon and meh. Pretty much what @ZetaGhost said. Played with a friend and didn’t even noticed the party search system since we soloed dungeons without healers. Craft system also seems slow since you have to wait around 2h for npcs since they get materials (mineral and gas), and that was only for the first material. And dungeons have a limit of 20/day. I… Need… ToS…


I uninstalled it at level 15, too boring and no innovation

The video was glitchy, enemies weren’t popping up, everything was stuttery, and it made skype not work.

And I have a brand new gaming comp, so this is unacceptable.

I uninstalled it within minutes. Waste of time.

I’m sure the game would have been fun if it was developed by someone more competent.

It seems they ripped Aion source code and changed textures and locations, not worth to play it…