Tree of Savior Forum

C3->S2->N2 or C3->S1->N3?

Hi, new player here,

Done some research and watched quite a few youtube videos on builds//specs.

The one that stands out is something like what the title says, any advice from pros with this type of build ?

But in the videos doesn’t have all the details about the build, so I’m trying to pick up most of it from what I see from the videos.

Stats///Skills///Attributes, etc

Open to any advice and much appreciated

S2. N3 is fairly unimpressive, especially solo with a cryo build it’s only feature right now is being able to afk better then N2.

Stat allocation 100% SPR

Gear allocation: SPR primary, CON secondary, INT/Matk tertiary.

Weapon: Staff (do not use rod, summon atk is based off primary weapon and SPR)
So you understand the point of 3 ranks in icebolt is so you can cast it faster. You can cast it as rank 1 with 1/3rd the cast time with 3 ranks in the spell. Ice Spike is meh unless you’re consistently partied with a falchoner. IceWall is the main way you contribute damage to boss kills in a party. Outside of a party you can just smash it with your riding skill.