Tree of Savior Forum

C3 cryo, C1 ele, C2 alch stats advice?

I currently have a C2 cryo lvl 59 mage I want to get to C3 cryo, C1 ele (C3 ele in the distant future) and C3 alchemist, but I’m not so sure about my stat build for it.

Currently, my plan is to cap SPR at natural 50 and CON at natural 30 then dump the rest in INT. But with my googling, all I can find is people months ago going full SPR or full INT with so many mixed results with CON on mages.

Does my build look ok or should I correct something? (SPR/INT are currently 43 each (minus equips) and CON is 21, I’m not following a ratio).

Ele is unplayable without Wiz3. Better take Linker or at least Psychokino instead if Ele1.

The cast times are that bad? Hmm, guess I’ll pick something diff then, but is the stat distribution ok?

Cast times are bad and damage of Ele1 is quite low without Quick Cast which also gives +50% total magic damage. Stats ok for what? For now SPR is useless unless you are Priest. For all mage classes the best build is full con, since Int gives almost no damage, and SP regen is not needed at high lvls if you use alchemist potions. I dont see any point of playing Alchemist at all. Its definetely not the best class for earning money, HP10 potions are 350silver at the market now. You can do it much better if you go Cryo3-link/thauma/sorc-Necro2-3 and afk farm Dina Bee Farm with skeletons.

CON is not the best build for all mage , if you are a dps mage type ( pyromancer , elementalist , sorcerer ,… ) , never go full CON unless you aim at pvp , there is a big diffrent in term of dps between a INT elementalist and a CON elementalist , the gap will become bigger and bigger since you get 10% INT for each rank up .
Beside , looking at str recent buff , who know if they will decide to buff INT later ? or add better scaling for INT with skill ?

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depend on your role ( support or dps ) and your future class , never go SPR

Or add an item like league of legends Deathcap that increase your magic attack stat/int by x%.

That alone would seal the deal, int for damage dealers, con for cc mages.

Cryo3/Ele3 is solid, if you really want to wait for R9.

The problem is (imo) that you main cannon (Frost Pillar+Frost Cloud) is not available until R9. You also wont deal enough damage without Quick Cast or Full INT.

Spare yourself the disapointment. Dumb Ele, go for Cryo c3 and Thaumaturge C1 or Linker C1 for party support (I assuming that you 100% want the alchy circles)

In that case, you dont need much INT. Your main role would be then party support. If you go with Thau C1 you can go for full int and use Transpose with Equilibrium. If you go the Linker path, you should go for CON (and the amount of Spirit you want)

Just my 50 Cents :stuck_out_tongue:

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