Tree of Savior Forum

Buruta - no rewards after maintenance, when Boruta is defeated on Monday

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 12.02.2019, 19.02.2019

Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name: EasyFrag

Character Name: IFreezeU

Bug Description :
After maintenance there is no possibility to get rewards when Boruta was defeated on Monday, before maintenance for top 70% players. It says there is no contribution for individual and guild. Fix it please. I had more then 30 individual points and getting nothing because of that bug. Mainenance just resets everything.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Speak to Kupole Kaze
  2. Try to check individual contribution points and get rewards.
  3. No reward and no contibution points

Screenshots / Video :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Keyboard


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  • OS : Windows 10
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Wasn’t that supposed to be fixed? It was the same problem last week and many people suffered the same loss. Everything resets like Boruta was alive again but isn’t actually generated. Just like if the weekend schedule was applied on a dead Boruta instead of an inactive one.

Same issue. I’ve been doing Boruta since day 1, no reward this time. I had around 50 contribution points last time I checked.

Was that yesterday evening or today? Some people in our guild had around 50 points and didn’t get rewards, some had 60 and did get some so the cutoff was around 50something. Maybe you simply got unlucky and were just below the stupid cutoff… there weren’t many people for Boruta yersterday so that could be possible.

That was probably it. Time to chase around those gimmicks I guess.