Tree of Savior Forum

Build questions

Right now i am following this build
for rank 7 i am taking Featherfoot and for rank 8 either c2 or enchanter (probably ff2)

does taking thauma 3 insead of linker 2 kill the potential of this build? i mean at linker 2 all u get is a buff sharer and a few extra links i would rather take thauma 3.

and stats, should i go SPR or INT?

i am currently level 5.

thank you :slight_smile:

what is your purpose of this build?

farming silver and whatnot, i still want it to be viable though

you’re going to have to mob 10 monsters really close together to maximize the use of your swellbody lvl 15( if you’re maxing it)

with JP 10(linker2) and swellbody10(thuma2), you could target up to 8 monsters for both skill

but im still taking linker c1 so i can have JP 5, level 10 is only a 3 inc right?

level 10 is at linker c2. 10 links at level 15 which is at linker c3

yes but if u will max your swell body u could hit up to 10 monsters, so u couldnt really maximize the use of your lvl 15 swell body, unless u mob another 5 monsters and position them close to the 5 other monsters u JP+HK’d

im only taking level 10-11 swell body. i only taking thauma 3 becuase i think the extra levels of swell arms and brain are more worthwhile than 5 extra levels of JP. now i need to know if that will hurt my farming potential or not.

the reason why FF2 is taken is because of kundela slash. Feather foot 1 is underwhelming because of no kundela slash. you should just go featherfoot c2 or no featherfoot at all.

linker c2’s JP has 8 links and swell body has 8 targets, so you can link and swell the same number of mobs which makes it a optimum for farming.

Linker C2 gives 3 additional links.

Over time, 3 becomes 6>9>12>15> so on and so forth. Featherfoot is reliant on linker because their skills have absurdly tiny aoe, or only hit one target normally. I know 3 more links doesn’t sound like a big deal on paper, but in reality it makes a big difference with how fast you can clear content. If you don’t take linker 2, you should be prepared to a killing rate of about only 5 enemies per second.

Also, without joint penalty, you won’t be able to kill enemies that are swelled, so if you use joint penalty on 5 monsters and swell 6, you might die from not being able to kill that 6th monster that wasn’t linked, but more likely you’d end up wasting your cd’s trying to kill it (and failing).

Finally, each joint penalty link boosts your damage effectively by 100% * # of enemies. If you link 8 monsters and use ngadhundi, you’ve just done 8 times the amount of damage your normal ngadhundi does. The extra levels in your swell buffs and having swell brain will not give you as much damage against mobs as 3 extra links will.

max number of links is 10.

If you read what I said, I was referring to the number of additional links comparing Linker C1 (5 links) vs. Linker C2 (8 links) over time. I was not talking about the number of maximum links.

sorry then, but I dont know how you get additional 6>9>12>15 links.

Over time you do.

Let’s say you have a Linker with JP level 5 (Person A), and another Linker with JP level 10 (Person B)

Person A casts JP for the first time, links 5 mobs.
Person B casts JP for first time, links 8 mobs.
Number of additional mobs B had = 3 because he linked 3 more mobs than A did.

Time passes, 22 seconds later JP is off CD.

Person A casts JP for second time, links 5 mobs.
Person B casts JP for second time, links 8 mobs.

In total, Person A has linked 10 mobs by now. (5+5 = 10)
In total, Person B has linked 16 mobs by now. (8+8 = 16)
Number of additional mobs B had = 6 because he linked 6 more mobs than A did.

Each time person B casts JP, he is getting 3 more links than A, so over time, the difference in number of links person B has over person A gets bigger and bigger.

3 --> 3+3 --> 3+3+3 --> 3+3+3+3 and so on.

Oh, thank you for explaining.

oh, ok i get it now.
so i should go linker c2…
i was just confused. Thanks All!

you could just get a dandel gem for 6 links while having swell lvl 5…

Yes, you can do that too, and then you would have Thaum3 which is a good support for parties. Dandel gems cost around 3mil silver and you have to be certain that the boots you put them on will be the ones you will keep since if you remove it I think it destroys the gem.

Hurts your farming potential in exchange for better buffs for party play, so depending on what OP wants to do, it might not be worth it.

Once you get a weapon that’s good, you can go full SPR to make swell brain stronger (if you decide to go thaum3), otherwise just go full INT.

Why not going full CON? I have yet to regret going CON on my Thauma, it’s especially nice since I get a boost on potion recovery once my Transpose runs out.

What many neglect: Going CON also allows going full plate set since your Plate CON will also turn into INT if you e.g. use the 315 HG set. Meanwhile, the Cloth set only gives you SPR…

Basically, the pros are:


  • No need for Transpose
  • higher matk without any equipment/buffs


  • high status resist
  • high SP regeneration
  • better scaling of Swell Brain
  • can buy armor enchant [1 CON per 20 SPR] to gain around 30-50 CON
  • more futureproof as INT gives diminishing results with gear progression while SPR is always helpful


  • high base HP/Block/Potion Regeneration without Transpose (currently a level 15 Condensed potion heals around 5,5k base/750 HP per tick on my 210 CON Thauma)
  • can transpose all CON from equip into INT and all INT into CON (pretty useful given that bracelets only give CON or DEX/Plate set gives CON [Thaumas have to get close for Swell/Shrink Body]/Shields give CON); because of the higher base CON, there’s no need to heal up after transposing as your maximum health will decrease
  • more futureproof as INT gives diminishing results with gear progression while CON is always helpful