Tree of Savior Forum

[BUILD] Help a new wizard player =D

Hey there,

So, I have never been a huge fan of wizards in general, but I decided to give it a try in this game, however I need some advices about the class.

I was trying to figure out a build with Wiz 3 > Elementalist 3, but all I found was this build ending with Warlock 3 or Shadowmancer 2, two classe that I really don’t like. Today I found a guy playing with this build: Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Runecaster > Sage 2 and I tought it was pretty cool, but I don’t know if it is really viable.

After that I came up with a few similar build and I would appreciate if you give me your opinion about it. The builds are:
1- Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Runecaster > Sage 2
2- Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Sorcerer > Sage 2 (switch RC for Sorcerer for the cat buff)
3- Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Runecaster > Enchanter 2 ( I prefer Enchanter over Sage, but I don’t know if it will sinergyze with the rest of the build)
4- Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Sorcerer > Enchanter 2 (same thing I said before)

So, that’s it, I hope you can help me with that =D

Either Sage2 or Enchanter 2 are fine and can fit an elementalist build in their own way. Sage2 gives more skills to cast, and one skill to put mobs together. And missile hole (I have really bad times with archer mobs whenever I play elementalist).
Enchanter 2 gives lightining hands to AA while your skills are on CD. You gain the hability to block with a staff (if you’re focusing elementalist in this, staff is the way to go).
I don’t recommend rune caster unless you like the class. Cast is too long, and damage can’t compare to your other classes, even as fillers. Rune of ice only apply to freezing sphere. You could get Rune of giant for giant jump+lightining hands, but then there is no point in elementalist, cause you can’t cast ele spells while giant.
Sorc 1 is way better as a filler class. It can give the sp recovery you need if you go sage (you may choose spr or int, focusing either on summons or casting skills), or your summon can receive enchanter buffs if you go with ench2, or so it seems, I didn’t try it myself.

Player with the first build (W3 Ele3 RC Sage2) here!

I went for this build because I wanted to try something different from the usual Ele3War3. The Rune Caster costume pretty much sealed the deal for me (it’s so goddamn beautiful).

To be completely honest I find this build a little clunky because of the amount of skills we have at disposal, and also the high SP costs of said skills. Then again it could just be me needing to learn a proper rotation.


I think this build does what its supposed to do very well. You have your usual DPS rotation of Elementalist skills (Frost Cloud, Hail), plus the added (amazing) AoEs Sage2 has to offer. Dimension Compression is also a plus, since it pulls mobs together for you to wipe out with your AoEs. The added utility from Sage2 (Missile Hole, duplication and enlargement from your dimensions) are also a plus.

Stats wise, I’m on full INT and I find myself running out of SP very often. Gonna spec into 50:50 INT and SPR later to see how it goes.

Overall, I think this build has amazing AoE damage, although lower than the Warlock variant. But hey, class diversity! I’m not too sure about the other classes, but I could give some rough opinions.

Not sure how this would work, cat buffs are nice, but idk if going for an SPR circle in an otherwise INT build would work well.

Enchanter might work, but you’re sacrificing AoE DPS for more party support via Enchant Lightning and Lightning Hands. The INT scaling pretty much synergises well too. Runecaster is kind of out of place here though, you won’t really be using anything from RC besides the damage runes (which is kinda eh).

So, I tending more for the Sorcerer version of both builds, and even with the summon I’m not planning to invest on SPR since the hole point of picking this rank is for the cat buff, not the summon damage, maybe just try to get SPR as a secondary stats on equips, unless somebody says that cat buff scales with SPR too. I tought that the ice rune of the RC would buff hail and frost pillar, but if it just buff the freezing sphere its another reason to go with Sorcerer, at least in my opinion and even with RC being much cooler haha’

Now about the last 2 ranks, it’s a really hard choice =S
With Sage I have a really good support skill and a lot of extra damage, with one of them giving support too (dimension compression). With Enchanter I have much more support then damage and a good AA damage as filler when everything is on CD, however I don’t know how exactly how this buffs works with the Ele skills. Is the lightning damage from the enchant added to every Ele skills?

The bad part of all of this is that I don’t have much more time to test it since the rank reset event is about to end… I think I’m gonna test the build with Enchanter today since I already got a good idea about how the build with Sage could work from this video:

Thanks for the replys guys =D