Tree of Savior Forum

Bugged party, more than 5 members on same party

just post the video as well… no harm in doing so :sunglasses:

… Still waiting, IMC is slower than the Brazilian justice

four days and nothing.

We need a reply IMC.

five days and nothing, where are the GM’s

@hkkim @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_No

So is this an exploit?

5 days after the report and nothing from any of you. And the members of that guild are still playing, because I saw some of the guys on a team battle 5v5.

Since it seems like its not an exploit, Should I search on the internet how to do it and use it myself to get a team of 30 into earth tower? Or maybe, who knows, hunt some world bosses with 30 players on same party, mix and match everyone with alts and main characters to get constantly 30 boxes for everyone. I may also report how to do it on the forums so everyone on the game play in the “same level”.


I hope this got your attention and make u guys do something about this. Or at least tell us anything.

and sorry about my bad spelling, by now u should have notice english is not my main language.

Hi @zurwow! Thank you for reporting. We will investigate the issue to determine what further actions will be taken on these player’s accounts.

investigate? the evidence is in your face, these players are aware that this is an exploit

So there’s no punishment for abusing exploits this game…let makes me sick seriously, i will no waste no more money in this game, until u guys solve this and stop playing since bug exploiters can do whatever they want and dont get punish shame on the staff, and the game, i will also recommend to my friends do the same thing stop play and waste money in tps