Tree of Savior Forum

Bug: Token not applying to trades?

Date and Time : 6/5/2017 11:57 PM EST (UTC-5:00)

Server Name: Klaipeda (NA)

Team Name: Liione

Character Name: Liione

Bug Description : Was going to trade the Pevordimas Pistol to a friend so he could identify it for me. We both have tokens. But it said neither of us had one when we entered the trade. The tokens are near expiration; but the trade buff should still be in effect?

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Have a token near expiration
  2. Trade with a friend
  3. ?
  4. ?

Screenshots / Video :

  • OS : Windows 10
  • Internet Connection :
  • Country, Region : United States.

You probably both ran out of trades available per token, if you place your cursor on the Token in-game buff under your character, you should be able to check how many personal trades left you have (Max 30 Personal Trades per Token IIRC)

Think is, the first time it happened; we didn’t notice. Then we came back. It worked just fine (token buff applied to trades again) now it’s back to this.

Did you use an Event Token ? Event Tokens don’t give any trades.
Or do you mean in the same day you could trade fine, then it didn’t work, then it worked again ?

(By the way, he could just open an Appraiser shop, set the price at 100s (it’s the 0 profit/0 loss price) and you can identify it).

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