Tree of Savior Forum

Bug pyro/kino battle league (cheating?)

pyro/kino can move arround the arena in the battle league using they teleport plus fire ball and swap, whit a dps build they can kill the oponent until the battle begins

whathever, dont count to the match. but tis build can put fireballs arround the arena whit full duration. like set some traps

i dont know where report tis .(im almost speak inglish) do what u like whit tis info

I don’t really know what you mean, it is hard to understand, sorry.

If you mean that they place Fireball at your team spawn area, and when a new round begins the Fireballs are still there to kill your team, then that is indeed a bug.

Now, if you are talking about simple game mechanics like using Swap on Fireballs, that is not cheating at all, lol.

yes but. the arena should be inaccessible…

It seems you and OP share some dificulty with english.
He said there are kinos swaping outside the arena and killing people before the match.

Ohhh, i never heard about this bug/abuse, so i couldn’t tell. :confounded:

the savagery is real

I’m a pyrokino but never encountered this bug. But I do know kinos can teleport outside arena accidentally did it when trying to escape