Tree of Savior Forum

Bug Mission Map:Sactuary

When the error happened(Date, time, location) : Sanctuary(Apgaule Altar), when the scene over.

Steps to reproduce the issue : Watch the scene, light up all the altars, and you’ll not be able to speak with Bishop Aurelius anymore.

Description : Quest Lv 145(Sanctuary) - To Pasala Altar: Talk to Bishop Aurelius.
“Acquired all the keys.Talk to Bishop Aurelius again.”
I watched de scene where i took all the Keys, the Bishop Aurelius appears and before i might be able to speak to him, he disappears. Even the Bishop NPC out the scene don’t talk to me anymore. So now i’m stuck in this quest forever. Please, help-me…

Don’t know if it’s actually a bug or if the ghost is meant to disappear, but there should be a quest item in your inventory that should make him appear again. If that doesn’t work you might want to actually write in a ticket as it probably is bugged. Had the same issue a while back and realized there was an item in my inventory that makes him reappear.

If it’s the quest I think of, indeed the Bishop doesn’t reappear. He gave you an item to call him after you complete each part of the quest. Go to your inventory and find some scroll in the quest item list, right click it to call the Bishop.

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