Tree of Savior Forum

Bug in the recruiting new saviors!

Thanks for the quick reply! YOu make me change a bit of my view on the forum staff :sweat_smile: Hope you guys can address the problem ASAP

From what I’ve heard, the extra Token you received shouldn’t have anything to do with the higher level rewards. The Token had something to do with some tweaking we did in the background making the Token rewards only be given once per Team. We’ve updated our announcement regarding the issue.

As for the issue with the boost packs… we’re still looking into it. Please let me know if you have any updates with regards to that issue.

If I recall correctly I opened the 150 booster pack when I was 150, I was 166 when I tried to open the pack after reading this thread and it actually opened even when my next one should be at 170.

Actually the problem is far more complicated, @STAFF_Ethan please do read carefully and pass this up to dev, I will try to explain as good and clean I can with my english.

In a hypothetic scenario someone that was lv 105 opened all chest, had still 12 Booster Packs left. When hitting 110 and trying to open the 110 one they instead waste the pack but only get the extra Token, that way wasting a Booster Pack that got used, leaving behind only 11 Packs on the inventory.
When actually trying and being able to get the lv 110 rewards, ANOTHER Pack is used, that time as intended, but that way leaving behind ONLY 10 Booster Packs. Meaning everyone will eventually trigger that bugged “extra” at least one time and be 1 Booster Pack behind the normal and will never be able to get the latest lv rewards (actually there is reports of people wasting way more boxes than just 1 being left out of a lot of the latter rewards).

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I think that this problem will turn into a BIG BIG one because each account with this problem have and expecific issue level. Each problem here have different Boxes left to be opened. OMG :frowning:

[SA] Silute
TEAM: Maximaa
Nick: Bombarda

Mesmo problema, faltam lvl 240, 260 e 290 moço… ;-;

In my case, I’m going to lose 03 packages … 240, 260 and 290!

Hello everyone,

We have sent the lost boost packs to the Retrieval tab of the Market. You should have received a notification via your Postbox, but it won’t be retrievable from there.

If you feel that you should have gotten packs but were left out, please let us know via the Ticket system.


i can’ see anything excepting two message

Check it there. :slight_smile:

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The Staff said that players received the missing box in the Retrieve part from the Market. I did it. But there was only 2 boxes and according to the event, im level 215, so i could receive rewards from 230, 240, 260, 290. But in my backpack i have only 3 boxes left.
Can u guys help me again to fix this issue.

Thank u :slight_smile:

Thanks for the support, I just got my boxes!


I’m having the same problem, as soon as I reached level 230, the event bau disappeared. :disappointed_relieved:

@arturr_pontes, @paulobgperes Could you please tell me your server, team name and character name?

@Staff_Ethan Silute, Yuxie, Maguro. Here is it :slight_smile:

I received my items, thanks for the help @Staff_Ethan

Glad to hear that they’ve been delivered already. :slight_smile:

Ethan Klaipeda is dead on silute,plz help

Hello @SamanthaRaioLaser,

We’re currently looking into the issue and think we know what is causing the issue. There should be a hotfix shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I saw the lv 260 packages in the market, after I used it disappeared again, how to get the last packages lv290.