Tree of Savior Forum

Buff Necros "flesh canon"

The damage is pretty good, but the AoE-Attack-Ratios is beyond being bad…

just make it “hits ALL target in the aoe”…since the area to hit i small as hell…

Get 3 headgears with +1 aoe atk ratio, Vubbe Fighter gloves and sorcerers kitty buff for +5 aoe atk ratio, and it will be fine. Or get linker.

I’d prefer a wider range. Or make some of the damage spill into a cone AoE, similar to how it is visually.

just get sorc c1 before necro, because that cat buff give +5 AOE ratio, problem solved. So like this: wiz c3 - linker - sorc c1 - necro.

so it does apply on spells? the +aoe attack ratio?

  • Aoe Attack ratio only apply on spell that got a ratio in their tooltip
    Not sure if it the case for every spell but fireball for exemple
    got a 4aoe ratio and can’t be boosted because it isn’t show in the tooltip
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awesome! thanks for this info! :slight_smile: