Tree of Savior Forum

Buff Limits....?

I do exist ! :blush:

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:'DDDDD Game of Trolls? :'D (if you know Game of Thrones)

Well okay guys I agreeā€¦ But it should be atleast 10 -,-

I realy like buff limit, it makes ppl to think about how to create your party. Its a nice mechanic and i will like to give it a try. Also there is a skill buff for greater limit.
I dont agree with the topic - IMC keep your ideas!

Well itā€™s now 8, so would you agree with 8 untill Rank 5, and then +1 every 2 Ranks?

Well thereā€™s still a way for solo players: buy Daino scrolls from Pardoners :grin:. Pardoner is a rank 5 cleric class and has an ability to make scrolls from the skills they have (so a Pardoner who wants to make Daino scrolls must have gone through Krivis class and invested some skill points in Daino) :wink:

Yea I know about itā€¦ Do you think I can make scroll of the scroll making skill? :smiley:

Thatā€™s a great idea lol, but I bet you canā€™t :kissing:

Everything is possible :blush:

The limitations of any game are what encourage variety in play, no matter how unusual.
Complaining about it before you even know the full mechanicsā€¦ well, perhaps not the most recommended course of actions.

Would you complain that you canā€™t sprint/strafe while shooting(accurately) in CS:GO, if youā€™ve never played it and the FPS that you do play consider these normal?

It may be a serious combat/content/gameplay mechanic and one that, should it need to be revised, has to be experimented with, first.

No realistic amount of previous experience in other games of different combat, content and/or gameplay seems likely to be able to allow anyone to have full precognition on a better state of game prior to actually having tried it.

Edit ; Exclusions to the previous statement exist. Exclusions are unusual.

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You can always buy a Daino Scroll from a Krivis Pardonerā€¦

its the limitations are the fun part of ToS so yes to buff limits

Are you talking about Fade?
Can you tell me anything else about the mechanics of it?

no. Fade is Clericā€™s . . it eliminate monstersā€™s aggro toward you. similar to Scoutā€™s Camouflage and Rogueā€™s Burrow

Iā€™m talking about IronCloth and Golden Bell Shield. .
looks like I was typo, I should typed Invincibility instead invisibility , wwww. sorry

Oh I see. Hey I sent you a message BTW ^_~
It might be secret or spam, you will have to open it to find out which. =P

EDIT: Did I really just bump a 26-day old topic?? It was displayed as a trending topic on the front pageā€¦ sorry about that

I find it very strange to limit buffs all at once rather than divide them into categories and limit how many buffs can exist per category (e.g. 1 godly blessing at a time.) It just seems very surreal to think you might be able to, for instance, cancel a deadly poison by overflowing it with a stun effect or something meta like that.

But eh, most MMOā€™s have even less sensible game mechanics than that so I can put up with this mild oddity.