Tree of Savior Forum

Buff idea for Pyromancer

New Attribute: Pyrotechnics (3rd Circle Pyromancer required): Pyromancer abilities receive additional effects

  • Fireball may now hit enemies up to 5 times each
  • Firewall panels now hit up to 10 times before disappearing
  • Standing in Flame Ground increases all fire property damage you deal by 30%
  • Targets damaged by [Flare] repeat its damage to up to 4 nearby targets.
  • Fire Pillar damage interval reduced to 0.25 seconds
  • Hell Breath causes enemies to [Burn] for 5 seconds, and its damage interval is reduced to .2 seconds.


Talents like Ranger Pro are fine I suppose, just flat % damage increases. I was thinking a more interactive buff would be nice, as Pyro3 players are not necessarily rewarded for going into the spec. So I wanted to take things about the skills that I personally think are lacking, and enforce them with stronger effects.

Old school Fireball was able to hit enemies multiple times, but was unfortunately moveable by other players and also could only be cast at the feet. New fireball is nice in that it hits in an AoE and is castable at a range - but the one-hit per target rule really takes the fun out of fireball, especially when it has a very slow cast. My version combines the best of both worlds, resulting in a durable flame that can be cast a range and isn’t movable.

Firewall is at its best state right now, and I don’t really see the point in fixing something that isn’t broke. That is why I opted to just make its nice effect withstand more hits before disappearing.

Flameground is likely fine where it is, but like all Pyro skills - it simply doesn’t do a lot of damage after you get past rank6. That is why I’ve added the fire damage strengthening effect, which also works on itself to give more damage. There’s also some general synergy added which carries over to other fire damage dealing circles.

Flares strength comes from its ability to affect many targets at once, and considering the types of skills that exist in Pyro - its really just another way of saying “we turned up the heat on your DoTs for a split second”. The tree itself kind of lacks an “explosive” feel to it - so I’m thinking Flare itself could be an explosion of sorts.

Fire Pillar might have gotten too strong of a buff? At least, with the reduced damage interval (essentially it now deals 2x as much damage) coupled with the Flame Ground buff, it might be too high. Due to the fact that FP tends to freeze enemies up in it though, I thought it a bit too dangerous to simply increase its duration.

The biggest complaint people have about Hell Breath is that for a channeled skill you have to [hold down] for up to 20 seconds, it doesn’t do a lot of damage. So I hit it three ways, once with the FG buff, another way with adding a small DoT that works with [Flare], and lastly by simply making it hit more.

I know these changes probably aren’t perfect. However I wanted to present the idea that a “pro” talent can be more interesting then the way it was implemented with Ranger. Pyro is a class that I would love to play, but that I don’t feel has a lot of options to choose from afterwards.


devs never will be seeing this post, but it’s fun to think about haha

First, I always think on pyro as an agressive class (cut off that nonsense CC), like a devil that not only kill the monsters, but that does that through a lot of pain and torture. So, I have some ideas about the skill’s design too.

I hate fireball, but I would love to see a reconcept to something between magic missile and meteor. Maybe a frontal fireball, that thing on the ground doesn’t fit with the agressive pyro style. An average of 5 monster per shoot is good enough. Then a explosion with kncbk.

Firewall is bizarre and quite hard to use efficently, I would like to see it in a fire trial concept. The pyro goes walking, then the cells that he is passing by get’s on fire. Each flame cell with their own duration, without hit limit and able to hit all the monster that goes into it (the mob following the pyro). And cut off the pull effect, it doesn’t make sense.

Your idea to flame ground sounds cool. But why not “all fire property damage used upon it”? This would make pyros good to team up with elementalists and plagues (and everyone affected with enchant fire too), warlocks dark burst (by stand close to a spirit) works to any warlock, not only to the spirit invocator. (I would love to have its hexagram back again)

Flare is ok. I don’t like of this aoe idea.

Agree with fire pillar, and I think that this skills shouldn’t be locking monster, isn’t the style of this class, it should work like Pole of Agony, imo

And If each hit of HB have a chance of something like 5%~10% to cause burn? This would justify the channeling time.

These changes would make pyro a class that goes with full hand in an “agressive combo” way.

Enchant fire > fire ball > firewall > mobbing > flameground > fire pillar > hell breath > flare

Really cool :3

Meanwhile, I just want Hell Breath to have an interaction with Sage’s Blink which makes the Blink Illusion cast Hell Breath when you do. It could also work with Psychokino’s Gravity Pole too. I dunno, I’d much rather have them increase the number of interactions between classes.

We need Blink to perform every channeling spell

For me, Pyromancer is one of most fun Wizard class, but is really weak and lacks in aggressivity, so my ideas are:

Enchant Fire: A new atribute, increase fire property damage by %. needs Pyro c3.

Fireball: Fireball, I agree with you, increse the number of hits, but I add a new atribute, “Fireball: Torch”, fireball don’t explode anymore, but turn into a support skill, decreasing defenses or fire resistences (like Aukuras: Goddess of Fire who has 2 types of efect).

Firewall: I really dislike firewall, both versions, but making this skill like a Icewall, with cell selection, is way better, increase the dps overall. Or just delete and create a new skill, maybe a Fire Tornado or a Fireblast (fire missile/lance)

Flameground: “A Fire Terrain”, so just add more synergy with other pyromancer skills, like increase fireball effects/number of hits, Firewall damage/duration, etc.

Flare: Add a stun(3 to 5 secs) after use it. Overall, a Great skill.

Firepillar: Decrease damage interval or add a stackable fire-damage buff.

Hell Breath: Just Increase damage/Reduce damage interval. Its a good skill.

For atributes:

Staff Mastery:Fire: Just add more fire property Damage(like 10/20 per skill level).

Fire tornado would be amazing!

I want to see more interactions with flare and pyro skills.

I think all pyro spells should be able to inflict burn debuff.

Buff burn debuff should tick faster like poison and deal damage as a proportion to magic attack, maybe 20%

flare will cause burning enemies to explode taking set amount of damage from flare%, cause surrounding enemies to burn and reignite flared targets’ burn duration.

Pyromancer should follow a theme of setting the world on fire. Spreading burn debuff should be its priority in my opinion which means burn debuff needs a buff.

Have some pyro c3 attributes as well, eg, increase burn duration attribute, increase burn damage attribute.